MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > What possible reason could there be to k...

What possible reason could there be to keep David around?

He should have been the first to go just for his paranoia alone. The guy also sucks at challenges. Possesses no social game. He may be a number for a few minutes then he gets paranoid and defects. It will be the Alpha-Males downfall that they did not get rid of this guy. He will be the perfect person to recruit for an opposing alliance.

He's now even got the Immunity Idol.

Just stupid to not get rid of him first.



absolutely. You don't keep a guy around who came here for the sole reason of "playing the game." Like you said, he sucks around camp and he sucks at challenges. They are underestimating him though. Think he will be loyal all the way. There's no way he would be.


Lmao. What? David would flip in a heartbeat. He's already between two alliances.


yes, thats what i said. They think he would be way he would be.


Yeah, now he's a potential danger. A floater that isn't much help in challenges, that's got an idol and a new alliance.

They should've followed their gut.


I'm happy they kept him for now I'm looking forward to seeing him basically mess up their games now lol

One little Indian boy left all alone;
He went out and hanged himself and then there were none




I'm happy they kept him, too. He entertains me and so far, he seems like a nice guy. I also like that he may mess up their game. But while it's good for us, it's bad strategy for the tribe's game. Lol



He is interesting for the audience, but keeping him around on the tribe is just bad news all around. I really don't get why they ousted Rachel and kept Dave.


Yeah, especially since she was physically stronger than him. The smarter thing to do was to put up with the attitude and keep the strongest until the merge. Then let her be the first targeted.


Not only that, but her attitude did not smack of paranoia or potential betrayal. Rachel was over-exuberant, but as far as I could tell, she was loyal. The whole thing with her doing poorly at chopping and the puzzle was cheap.


There's also the unspoken issue of the Alpha Males choosing a guy they think they can control over a potential Alpha Female they can't. They underestimated Dave's ability to wreck their game later on and overestimated Rachel's being a problem to the tribe.

Ultimately it's Rachel's fault for not knowing when to shut up and be a team player. She made everything all about her and couldn't deliver on what she said she could do.

At the beginning, you don't want to give anyone a reason or excuse to vote you out or use you as a scapegoat.


Meh. I would have trusted her over David. The guys weren't thinking game wise. They were thinking comfort wise. Would have made more sense to keep Rachel in. David would flip in a heartbeat. Guy is a rat.


That's the arrogance a lot of power alliances get. They think comfort or emotions rather than long term gameplay.


Well, David is already in another alliance with Lucy, Ken and Cece. So,they already screwed up keeping him.


That they did.

They seemed pretty aware of David's paranoia, anyway. The whole way the editing is showing this forced tale of David makes me wonder what is going on. They have focused on him a lot, and I realize he found the HII, but he was not even really in the running for the vote, despite some peoples' misgivings.

I wonder what they didn't show us about Rachel and Cece.
