MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > Hannah = Arguably THE WORST Player of Su...

Hannah = Arguably THE WORST Player of Survivor

When she was taking that much time to vote Mari out, I knew she is the most stupid of all Survivor players! I mean Hannah pull yourself together and don't make it all about you!!! Just write an effing name up and leave, you attention wh*re!


Wendy jo
Billy Garcia

Way worse

Hannah made the correct decision. Stayed in the majority. It was tough to change your vote spur of the moment at your very first tribal council. Don't see why she's getting so much flak.


No! If hannah voted with Mari's alliance, then it will be 5 vs 5. A tie. They should have just draw rocks! That way she has a chance on winning, unlike now she is in the bottom of an alliance of the cool kids, and she looks returded near them! Also it did not make a good tv show, what she did.



tough to call someone arguably the worst player when the person doing the name calling doesn't even know what the vote count was.

Hannah had a tough decision. She trusted Michelle AND Mari and was suddenly blindsided at Tribal to switch her vote from an obvious vote out (Figgy) to one of her allies and when asking for a reason was told "trust me, ill tell you later". Obviously her concern was if she was voting in the majority which is why she was counting off names in the voting confessional.

Very tough predicament for someone's first tribal. Agree she should have been more decisive so as not to appear wishy washy, but the hate and name calling is completely unfounded.


I believe the flak, such as is it, is due to her behavior more than her vote. Putting one's self in the spotlight on Survivor for indecision (or really any other reason that may spark a negative reaction in too many tribemates, especially this early in the game) is just not a good play. I realize her situation was tough, but it would have been better for her to suck it up and just cast a vote without so much delay.


It seems a but premature to nominate her for such a crown.

I think Chet and Francesca are still fighting over it. 


I wouldn't say worst, but it does appear she has painted herself in a corner.


It was almost worse than crossing a name out and writing another name (Aubry!).


She has plenty of time to right whatever wrong she did, assuming she makes it far enough, so no. Besides, we don't even see how bad it turned out for her so giving her the title of Worst player is a little too early to tell

One little Indian boy left all alone;
He went out and hanged himself and then there were none


Oh yeah. Aubry started out very weak and then turned into a good player. Hannah seems like she will be loyal, even if she's goofy.


I'm not seeing the Aubry comparison.


I'm not seeing the Aubry comparison.

Based on what we've seen from Hannah's gameplay so far, the comparison to Aubry is that both were indecisive. Hannah took so long to decide whom to vote for that it looked like Jeff was going to go over and see if the pen was out of ink or if something was wrong. And Aubry voted for Julia and then crossed out Julia's name and voted for Peter.


People have done way more stupid things than that and lasted really long. Michelle is using her and the others like her. It will be forgotten and forgiven.

Look at what Na'Onka and Brandon did. Look at how far they had to go to do to get out of the game. Lol


Francesca is the worst
Case closed


so sandra is the best?




Yes, because she's the only person in Survivor history to win twice. Twice, in spite of a bad attitude, no physical ability, lost alliances, she made it to the end and got the jury to give her the vote. That's hard.

She got Lil to choose her over Johnny with the "I'm a mom, too." speech. She befriended Parvati and didn't piss Parvati off. Lil, Parvati, and Russell couldn't outplay her when it counted.


...yes. Two time champ.
