MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > Editing this season is annoying me!! **S...

Editing this season is annoying me!! **SPOILERS**

Has the editing thus far annoyed anyone else?

Let me explain...They gave Mari such a good edit it episodes 1 and 2, probably more air time than any other previous 2nd boot.
I hate that they showed her so much and made most of us fall in love with her to only have her the second person voted out!!

I would have been much better with her boot if they had showed her almost hardly at all in episode 1 and then gave her 1 or 2 confessionals in episode 2 (as they generally give to a person that's going to be voted out in that particular episode)

Am I the only one annoyed at this?


That did not annoy me, though it does seem somewhat cheap to focus too much on an early boot.

What has bothered me about the edit thus far is the focus on David. We were led to believe that the first boot was some close race between David and Rachel only to see more votes for Cece. Why did they give us so much David time?

I don't know if the producers are over-doing it because they worry that viewers have grown savvier over the years or if they are just so self-indulgent in the story they think is the most worthy to tell.


Mari was shown a lot because she IS likable and charismatic. She gave some really great confessionals in her short time on the show and it would have been a shame to give her no screen time. Also her boot only makes sense to the viewer if they've been able to see how smart and down to earth she is. She was a threat to the other players. If they cut her out of the show her boot has no impact on the viewer. Not to mention she's a bit of an internet celebrity and not showing her would be a waste.


Well, it made her a lot more sympathetic, I felt so bad for her during her goodbye video.

I feel like one of the things is all of the millennials are big personalities in their own right, they each bring something to the table so they've gotten a decent degree of focus.


You fall in love way to easy. Sheesh
