MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > Tribal Council Daycare

Tribal Council Daycare

Probst must have felt like he was running a daycare at the last tribal. That had to have been one of the worst tribal councils, as far as players (seemingly) taking the game seriously. Hannah(?) giggling thru the whole thing like a school girl and her antics at the voting booth. All the bros and stuff. Maybe they are deceptively intelligent, but if the millenials have more than a couple brains between them I'd be surprised. Zeke for certain, maybe Will (my wild card) and Michelle might be players, have no idea about the rest.

It was a pathetic showing at tribal, hard to watch.

"Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool that follows him" ...Obi Wan Kenobi


I know. I couldn't believe how stupid an unfocused they were. I just laughed at them.


Most of the time I can't pick who's more irritating: Zeke or Hannah.


How old are you? I'm 30, technically a Millenial and this is how people younger than me act all the time. You think it's something special for the show?
