MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > This season is odd..

This season is odd..

It's not bad at all. But it's not very good. If I could describe it so far, I'd say it's "meh". Nobody is really spectacular, nobody is downright horrid. The editing is slightly subpar, and it seems to be existing.


Disagree! Great cast, big personalities, great challenges, 2 blindsides so far, and some decent game play.


The "Gen-X vs. Millennial" narrative is annoying.

I mean, seriously? My grandmother texts with a "U" and I spell out "You" when I text. What a stupid question. I understand the analogy, but it was so annoying.

They're really hamming up this "hard-working Gen-X'ers" vs. "lazy Millennials" crap, like they purposely chose to cast these types of people. Can't say I'm surprised.

Don't Jûdgê a Boôk by Its Movîe


i think the contrast is dumb. as someone on the cusp between gen x and millennail (im 33)....i have to say that in the 90s gen x'ers were associated with laziness and aloofness as much as millennials are today. that is just the description all adults give to young people pretty much since the 60s...

gen x'ers were the slackers who were listening to nirvanna and hanging out in convenience stores (clerks) and watching reality bites etc.... gen x'ers are just grown up millennails lol. so its really pointless.


I never understood why some people got so annoyed by the "theme" seasons (e.g. white collar v blue collar v no collar). Until now. Have they always been this gimmicky and forced? I mean, they are really going in on the stereotypes here.

Maybe it bugs me more because I'm a "millennial"?

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


Yes, ChocolateButt (thanks for letting me use that name ), they have been forced in the past. It seems it would be better to just have the tribes and let them play. The one you cite also felt forced, though this one seems more so (or maybe it's just because it's fresh in memory).


It should look forced because it is. IIRC, the cast is selected, THEN the theme is chosen. Some contestants don't fit the theme, but are shoehorned into a role anyway. Last season, Brains/Brawn/Beauty, the Asian man who did very well (name escapes me) was cast as 'Beauty' because he was a gardener, who presumably grew pretty flowers.........


Alecia belonged on the Beauty tribe, Caleb belonged on the Brawn tribe, Tai belonged on neither tribe.

But them being put into a role is not what's forced (because they can't help what year they were born in). No, that's not what's being forced. It's the "As a Millennial, we are..." or "As Gen-X'ers, our work ethic..." narrative is what's being forced.

Like the Brawns/Brains/Beauty thing wasn't really pushed so excessively. Not unlike the Millennial/Gen-X or the No Collar/White Collar/Blue Collar ones.

Don't Jûdgê a Boôk by Its Movîe


While some seasons are better than others but this year isnt bad.


It's not bad, just meh.


Yes!! I text like a well educated person, an adult. I apparently fall under millinials. I am just not into this season because it's off putting to me. It's almost insulting that they specifically chose those millinials. I am a laid back person but what I see on the screen is just yuck! I don't even know how to put that into words. Don't even get started on Taylor and his surfer type laugh. Seriously I hope one of the couples go. It's stupid that they are keeping them in. When they realize that mistake it'll be too late.


The "Gen-X vs. Millennial" narrative is annoying.

Ugh, yes!! I like this season but it is getting sooooo tedious to hear every single little thing each cast member does explained as either a Millenial thing or a Gen-X thing. The Millenial bros and their annoying braahhh chit chat is grating on my ears.

Can't wait for the "drop your buffs" episode where they mix them up and then they can drop the theme.

