Season 2 storylines?

Does anyone here know what the writers had in mind for season 2? I definitely have my theories and I'll back them up. If no one doesn't know any future storylines then at least post your theories. I'd like to keep this thread bumped until I can get a good answer or something.

Here's a piece from a transcript I found on a Christopher Ralph fansite:

As In a Heartbeat gears up for a brand new season, we can't help but wonder what adventures are headed their way -- especially since they left off with Jamie uncertain of his return. What will happen? "You'll just have to watch," exclaims Chris. "I can't give out any of Jamie's secrets." That's OK -- we'll be tuned in to see these teen hotties race into action and witness the drama unfold for ourselves.


Although that little paragraph is a little inaccurate(Jamie decided to stay at the end of the finale), I find it interesting that Jamie has "secrets". It makes me realize that we haven't seen Jamie's homelife or even heard about it(unlike Caitie's, where she mentions having 6 siblings, 3 bedrooms, and 1 bathroom). Anyway, if his secret isn't what I'm about to suggest, I bet it would've been something about his homelife.

My predictions for season 2:

Val and Tyler: I have a feelings they would've broke up over the summer. Tyler probably would've spent the entire summer with his dad and he probably wouldn't have spoke to Val much. Because of that, it gets really awkward for them, especially since they kissed the last time they saw each other.

I believe Jamie's secret was that he secretly liked Val so I can see him stirring up a lot of trouble between the squad by pursuing Val after the break-up. Once Jamie and Val actually get together for the short amount of episodes then it'll also mix up feelings between Caitie and Val(giving them some more friendship drama).

In the end, Jamie and Val break-up. Jamie gets with Caitie and Val gets back with Tyler.

If anyone is asking about Hank and Brooke during this debacle... I believe Brooke always had a little crush on Jamie and she'll be upset when he gets with Val but after talking to him about it, she realizes it'll never work. Nick will return from his long, unexcused absence and get with Brooke. And Hank will tell jokes. Maybe he'll get another storyline with his girlfriend from "New Kids in School".

Anyway, I know my predictions make the show sound like a teen drama or something(which, it is but not to the extent of the storylines I gave it) but I picture all the relationship drama being handled in 2-parters but the majority of the show is concentrating on the light stand-alone episodes. Kind of like season 1.


Oh reading your post brings me back. Such good ideas. I would've loved to watch that. I still love Jamie and Caitie. They were my second favorite couple behind Tobias and Rachel from Animorphs. Now I want to watch In a Heartbeat episodes again...
