
Although Jodie is in this film, i thought it was crap. Of course she played her part well, but otherwise this is just a weird film!!!

For those who like it, what are your reasons???


I really liked it because it sort of let's you make a choice. It's the kind of movie that hands you life on a platter and let's you decide what to make of it. It's *beep* happens. Nobody is perfect, or happy for that matter. Everyone dies...and nobody really knows for certain what happens after that.

I thought it was a wonderful movie. Good acting (and yes Jodie Foster is an incredible actress) and good script. But hey, what do I know...I'm just some random 14 year old girl.



What are you takin about. It wasn't crap and was surly not just Ok. This is like the best movie of all times. like god.


this film, despite cool story and strong cast, unfortunately is a total falure. I guess- the director is only to blame.


Your a complete failure, not the director. God get some taste and expand your movie knowledge cause you surely do NOT know what you are talking about plus if your going to critisize a directer like that you have to at least watch more than one of his movies cause Peter Care is an amazing director.


What's wrong with you? Peter Care is the director, Spielberg got nothing to do with it.


What are you talking about???? Who's steven spielberg????


smelly_keltie - you smart! you used the "edit" button and changed the Spielberg to Care! I thought that you just gonna delete your posting. well done! I love Spielberg too. He's great. I also like to add that analasing director's work is a normal thing to do in film school.That's how you learn the profession. I addmit, though, that I wasn't really analasing anything in here,just said that his work was weak.


Well i was replieing to you on that director one and i asked who directed the movie and she thought that i was on saving private ryan and then later that day i told her that i wasn't and so when i went to change it you had already replied.



But I agry - the story is cool,I just don't like how it's being made into the movie. But there is one scene that I really like, it's when the guy wakes up in the girl's room and sees the ghost. I don't know, it's like the best scene,I don't regret watching the movie becouse of it.


You guys are just plain weird. And i've watched the movie like 3 times but i have no idea who emile is. Is it the girl???????????


Emile is the name of this actor who played the central charactor. The dark haired one. As for me I didn't like him. I liked Kulkin. I like all Kulkin boys.


I likes Tim too but who is emily????? is it the girl or one of the boys or what???????


Not Emily - it's Emile Hirch - he plays Francis. He's a boy. Kieran Calkin plays Tim.(a boy too))


Oh sorry, and I think francis is hot. But only in the movie. But i know that Kieran Culkin plays Tim becuase why do you think that I said "I like Tim TOO". The key word is TOO, buddy!!!!!!!!!!!


yah,I think we have some communication problems here. By the way - English is not my first language.


Oh cool. What's your first language?????


Russian) And I have a third too. It's french)


Hey my second language is french. I don't have a third though. But i am half french.


You canadian,right? They speak french with this really funny accent.


How would you know if i'm canadien or not?????? And how do you know if they speak with a funny acent????? Cause tho them you speak with a funny accent.



Oh. Well your right. But there aren't a lot of canadien movies. There mstly American. But i can understand french movies from quebec and from france.


this is one of the worst movies i ever seen, the only good part was when that kid died from the mountain lion


where are you from. It's not a mountain lion its a cougar, but you would know if your town was in the middle of the buch and had cougars in your back yard.


They are the same thing. Coungar, Mountain Lion, same thing, the animals has numerous names.


whatever, but it's real name is cougar.


You are ridiculous. How old are you?


Really wasn't crap, it was pretty good. And this is not really wierd. Obviously you haven't really ever seen any weird movies OP. I kind of enjoyed this one, although I do agree Jodie acted well :)


I normally don't reply to these, but i read all the posts, and smelly keltie, WOW! one of the most rediculous sets of comments i have read on IMDB. I was shaking my head at almost every post. I'm glad someone else pointed out that a mountain lion and cougar are the same exact animal. my goodness, it was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. I almost felt bad for sk, but the arrogance and ignorance just disgusted me too much to feel sorry for them


it wasn't crap, but it wasn't a mind-blowing masterpiece either.

It's the typical American indie-film with the typical theme of growing up and coming to age in a small, boring town.

There are so many of these kinds of films these days. It didn't stand out one bit, but it was still pretty good.
