What Happend to Archie?

What happened to Archie? I used to watch the series all the time but I missed out on a lot of it and when i watched it today he wasn't there.... I was devastated. Can somebody please tell me what happened?????



Archie went off years ago with his sister to India to look for a mountain his father had written about!!!

Well, he decided that he liked India soooooooo much that he moved to New Zealand to start up his own vineyard.

He was feeling a little displaced as his older half-brother turned up and was the laird at Glenbogle and he wasn't.

He left Lexi behind saying he wouldn't be more than three months. Well, in the mean time she got lonely and although I didn't see all the episodes I think they had chemistry and got it together. Anyway, I think her conscious picked on her and she rushed off to Archie and their life together in the last season.

I have to say that I hardly watch it now as nearly all the orginal characters, Hector, Archie, Duncan, Lexi, the friend etc have all left!!! I loved the first series they were brilliant. But the last couple without Archie there seems little or no storyline!!

Anyway, I am going to stop rambling and hope that answered your question....


wow.....sounds like the shows turned to crap then with all the originals gone. I live in New Zealand and we must be a couple of seasons behind by the sounds of it.
Thanks for the reply


I disagree that the programme is rubbish now. Whilst it was sad to see the old characters go, they probably could not go too much further with them. Series 6 has Tom Baker in it (the old Doctor Who) as Hectors brother. The new characters have added life to it. Series 7 will be the last one and they are tying to big as many of the old cast back for a big finale.
