Kilwillie is ...

my favorite on the show. For me, the show died when he left.



If not the character, then certainly at least his sense of humour... Watch "Downton Abbey" and/or "Gosford Park" both of which he wrote/created and one of which won him at least one Oscar.Also check out "Young Victoria". His too. Love Julian Fellowes - or, rather - Julian Alexander Kitchener-Fellowes, Baron Fellowes of West Stafford


... a lovable rival, which is hard for a show to have without it looking really contrived, and here it doesn't -- at least after having watched 2 seasons.


Agreed. I would get so excited when he was listed in credits and so disappointed when not. The show really lost something when he left - for me that was worse than archie leaving. But hector took the cake - super bummed. Thought the writing was great in dealing w that death. Great show until series 6.


I watch it for Kilwillie and Hector. Archie and the rest are straight men. Stuff with Archie and his girlfriends is just filler.


He didn't leave though. He wasn't in every single episode but his character was in the show though every series.


Killwillie was my favorite as well. There were so many funny moments involving him; in particular, I loved the episode when he was trying to court Molly and she mistakenly thought Kilwillie and his trainer, Gavin, were gay lovers. I also liked the Ghillies' Ball fete when Kilwillie and Andrew Booth were rivals for Molly's attention.

I was sad when Hector went to join his Laird in heaven, but at least we still had Kilwillie to provide comedy relief.
