MovieChat Forums > Gilmore Girls (2000) Discussion > Favorite and Least favorite character an...

Favorite and Least favorite character and why?

Favorite : Rory
Why : I do think she's spoiled and sort of a snob, but I've been Rory my whole life. Academic, and shy. Except, I don't look like that so I never had boys falling for me left and right; and I didn't come from a rich family so none of the safety net was available either. But, everything else about her character is me! I hate doing physical activities, I read a lot, I watch a lot of movies, I have a random taste in music, I'm a liberal, I was born in the fall, transferred from public school to an all-girls uniform-wearing private school my freshman year of high school and was given the same speech about failure not being an option and ended up top of the class when graduating, etc etc. I guess I just relate to her.

Runner Up : Paris
Why : For all the reasons mentioned above, and now add the not being guys favorite to that list... but subtract all the energy+passion+hard work+dedication and just the general intensity. I was just never this intense!

Least Favorite : Jason
Why : It's not that I hate the guy, but he just never intrigued me. He was unfunny, yell-y and just has no personality. At all.

Runner Down (?) : Luke
Why : Luke is everything I don't like in people. He is possessive, he thinks he's better than others, he's a grump for no reason, and worst of all; he's such a scared child sometimes! My god, man, say what you want to say. How hard is it to communicate, let someone know you care? Ugh.


Favorite: Paris
Why: She's absolutely hilarious and her interactions with every other character elevate the show in a rare fashion. She's so passionate about her work and academics but she shows her softer side with Doyle, Rory, and Lorelai. She really wants to be loved and appreciated by the people she loves. The actress who plays her is exceptional and the show wouldn't be the same without her. I enjoy that the show treats Paris as she is and doesn't dismiss or minimize her bad behavior or exaggerate her good qualities. Paris is Paris and we all love her for it.

Runner Up: Lorelai/Emily
Why: I criticize Lorelai a lot but I enjoy her character. She's bright and funny. Sometimes it's hard to find a show with a main character who is flawed but entertainingly so throughout the seven seasons. Lauren's performance makes Lorelai a treasure to watch. Her colorful outfits certainly don't hurt! Now on to Emily. Where do I begin? I have so much fun analyzing her character almost more than anyone because she's the ultimate foil and ally for Lorelai. Once again the actress must be praised for making a character this snobby so fun to watch. Normally characters with some of her bad qualities are annoying to me but not Emily. Lorelai and Emily are two sides of the same coin and ultimately their bond is the reason I watched this show.

Other favorite characters but I'm too lazy to write descriptions for: Jason(Lorelai's personality perfect match), Logan(the guy who changed the Gilmore dynamic), Christopher(his relationship with Rory in the show is fun to watch and you can tell everytime he looks at Lorelai that he won't ever love someone as much as her), Cookie, and Madeleine and Louise(who doesn't love these two).

Least favorite: Anna
Why: Do you have all year? This character brought nothing but hostility, pettiness, and forced drama into the show. She's written as this Lorelai 2.0 character but she's very angry all the time without an explanation. She's cruel to everyone in her path and makes no apologies for her awful behavior. Truly the worst decision of the writers to include her.

Runner Down LOL: This is actually tough for me. Maybe Francie? I really didn't like her and she wasn't necessary for season 3 at all. I like Luke for the most part but I can't disagree with your assessment. He has qualities that I like but I HATE the theme of the show that Luke deserves Lorelai because he waited for her and their whole situation with never saying I love you to each other. The guy doesn't have to shower you with affection constantly but his inability to show his love was just frustrating. That's one of the reasons I enjoy Lorelai and Christopher. They were linked and connected but you could always see how much they loved each other. Chris was never afraid to just tell her, propose to her, love her, etc. Lorelai and Luke are better as friends. Okay now I have to edit because my least favorite is Rory. I just despise her character sans seasons 1 and for the most part season 7. She just annoys me with her one sided relationships and the whole Rory is a princess who walks on water gets old quickly. I hated Joey Potter on Dawson's Creek for the same reasons. No one will beg to be friends with either of them because shockingly people can do better. Rory only cares about herself and the actress is not good. She can play shy Rory but once they added drama to her role then that was it for Rory. Sleeping with other people's husbands and fiances is just never okay.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


Least favorites :Anna Nardini and Chris'father. No explanation needed, right?

Favorites (in no special order): Emily and Richard, Paris, Chris, Logan. Bishop and Herrmann had wonderful chemistry together, and I especially loved it when they danced together. Paris was unique and wonderfully acted. Christopher and Logan brought out the best in Lorelai and Rory in my opinion. They were the cute, fun guys who definitely loved the Gilmore Girls.


Favorite: Dave Rygalski (Lane's bandmate/secret boyfriend). The show really could have used this character for the entire run. How much better was he than Zack? Answer: A lot. A lot better.

Worth a mention: Season 1(only) Dean & Rory and I guess Luke for the first 10 or so episodes until the Dean & Rory first breakup. Then only in select episodes throughout the rest of the series. Also Richard when the scene didn't involve anything from his work or him being cringe-worthily pretentious

Least favorite: Lorelei throughout the entire series & especially Season 2 era Rory. Also, April & Anna.


Favorite: Jesse

Least: Rory. She's dull AF and it was made worse by all the guys liking her. Dull and not that cute. Just couldn't understand why Jesse liked her.


I love Luke. He's alot like me. He's pining for Lorelai, watching her fail with this guy and that guy, while he's stuck in the friend zone. And That's why Luke is a grump. Because he's frustrated. He can't tell Lorelei that he's in love with her, and she never picks him as her first choice, though her feeling for him are quite mutual. But underneath he's a loving and generous man. He just doesn't know how to show it.


Favorite: Lane
Why: I don't really have a reason. I just like her. She knows what she wants. She's rebellious without being bratty or illegal. She's a good friend to Rory.

Least Favorite: Jason
Why: He's an arrogant weirdo, who can't even understand that it might hurt his relationship to sue his girlfriend's parents.


Favorite: Emily
Why: She is a great character. Certainly one of the more multi-dimensional characters of the show and makes me laugh. Her relationship with Lorelai is so complex. She loves her daughter and will do anything for her, but hates how she was rejected by her, as well. They have this interesting relationship where they are best friends at times and vicious enemies others. I love seeing how she interacts with Richard, as well. Oh, and when she tells off Shira Huntzberger it is a thing of beauty.

Runner Up: Richard
Why: Like Emily, I find his character fascinating. He's not as complex as Emily, but still a fun character to watch.

Least Favorite: Jess
Why: What is there to like? I suppose he redeemed himself some in the revival, but in the series he was obnoxious. I can't think of anything good about the character. He was an ass to absolutely everyone at one point or another. He was nice to both Luke and Rory at verious times throughout the series, but with Luke, it was few and far between. With Rory, he was only nice to her when he was going after her. And, if you really think about it, that wasn't all that nice because he knew she had a boyfriend and he was clearly trying to sabotage that. He thought he was better than everyone and was very much mistaken. Did not like him at all.

Runner Down: Anna.
Why: I'm sure it's obvious to anyone who watched the show.


My favs are pretty constant but the order changes:
DAVE, Paris, Emily, Logan, Jason, and maybe Chris

Least favs:
I 100% agree with you about Luke. He's everything I hate in a character yet the audience goes wild for it. I do love that he's reliable and caring but his personality bothered me to no end. He was SOO grumpy, ugh.
But my own least favs would have to be Zack, Anna, Kirk, Michel, Taylor. Dean s3-5. Jess s2.

A rose is just a rose.
