Ray Winstone's Mancunian Accent...

...is bleedin' awful. Woeful. LAUGHABLE! I've always said this guy can't act (apart from his one trick - east end, shouty gangster hard-man-type).
Other laughable accents in Winstone's repertoire include:

Cold Mountain (american accent)
King Arthur (erm... Arthurian accent)

Any more?


I agree that his Mancunian accent needs a lot of work! He seemed top be concentrating so much on trying to get it right that he couldn't put any variation into the actual way he spoke, meaning his voice was a constant gravelly monotone.
Having said that, I bloody love the guy, and I actually thought his Americam accent in Cold Mountain was pretty good!


His accent in The Departed was pretty bad too. I still think he's a talented actor though.


At least he tries... Robert Carlyle just reuses the same [sheffield] accent from The Full Monty!

Born when she kissed me, died when she left me, lived whilst she loved me
