MovieChat Forums > Timequest (2000) Discussion > Only Feasible Way To Travel To The Past

Only Feasible Way To Travel To The Past

The only possible way you could ever travel to the past is if time was circular, in that it reaches a loop where it goes into the end/beginning, in that sense you could travel the speed of light to the point where you would loop time and get back to the year 1963, but for that you would have to go through the year 3000, 15000 and then 100 BC, etc

Even traveling the speed of light it would probably take months for you to loop time.

For instance, traveling 1 minute the speed of light would equal somewhere between 12 and 20 years into the future.

SO traveling for an hour you could be going about 1000 years ( 800-900 or so ) an hour.

Since the earth took around 5 billion years to make light and existed for around 12 billion years, let's say the time stands at around 20 billion years.

For sake of arguement let's say you can travel 1000 years per hour.

20,000,000,000 divided by 1000 would equal 20 Million Hours.

How much is 20 Million Hours?

833,333 days. How much years is that? 2,283

So okay, that would be pretty silly, but some scientists have argued you can go faster than the speed of light, and maybe that's true.

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As an physicist, I have for over 30 years posited that the only way to travel back in time is to travel forward in time. Time, just like space, is curvalinear. As Einstein said, "throw a ball far enough into space and it has to return to you." Time is the same way -- a loop, the complete circle of eternity. I first started to muse on this theory in 1969 after hearing (of all things) the last verse of a popular hit song titled "In the year 2525." Of course, I was quite young at the time.

The only hole in your math is your assumption that the universe has been around for millions/billions of years. We get that from the same scientists who say faster-than-light speed is impossible. Before October 14, 1947, it was believed faster-than-SOUND travel was impossible. Then, the U.S. Air Force, Chuck Yeager and the X-1 proved them wrong. Someday, the light barrier, like the sound barrier will be broken. I believe this will become possible once we begin to learn more about the activity of tachyon particles. From my studies, I believe it is impossible for tachyons to travel SLOWER than light speed.

I urge you to read some of the writings of respected scientist/author Ken Hamm who has written several books ("The Answer Book" series, etc.) showing how it is just as possible (and most likely is) that the Universe is no older than 6000 years. This is not a quack theory, but real science...and may lead to the development of time travel in a manner such as you have proposed.

Anyone reading this post who would like to discuss this further can reach me at [email protected].


"respected scientist" LOL, give me a break.

No "respected scientist" believes the Earth in 6000 years old.

Or maybe you are just a very good troll?


"As an physicist" kind of sums things up...

I had never heard this theory. Thanks for wasting my time. The book is by the guy that opened the Creation Museum if you had any other doubts.
