MovieChat Forums > Equilibrium (2002) Discussion > Absurd 'Gun-Kata' thing

Absurd 'Gun-Kata' thing

The whole picture is absurd.But this "fighting-with-guns-in-their-hands-while-shooting-choreography" was so stupid.......


Actually, if done right it would be a good way to maximize kills, but only for 'set' situations. So, very cool trick on a shooting range, but less useful with humans moving unpredictable.


I don't know about "maximising kills" because I'm a normal person, not a professional killer :-D
I think I know a little about films. I like good films with good script, acting, photography, music, etc.....
And this one is not in any of these categories.


Script is great

Actors: Christian Bale, Emily Watson, Sean Bean. All great

Music: Klaus Badelt, one of the Hans Zimmer crew. Great

I really liked the cold photography, no idea who the DP is. But I liked it

Maybe it's not your kind of movie, but it DOES fall in those categories



It is a ridiculous thing in that film. But I think the film is about an entirely different topic. Statistics based gunning is just a dumb stylized aspect of the film.


Yeah, so stupid that every action picture coming down the pike nowadays has ripped off the fight scenes of this little known film.


This movie takes it to extremes but there are different ways or disciplines to use a hand gun depending on your environment. Look at John Wick. When choosing your targets in an open environment use the weaver stance and when in close quarters keep it close to your body (so no one can grab your outstretched arms or take it out of your hands) and almost stab the person with it as you shoot. It really is a tool and you use it differently in certain situations to maximize its effectiveness.

I love the fight choreography in this movie.


Amusingly, the choreography of this Movie is NOT what the director wanted. Watch Ultraviolet to see Wimmers real vision of Gun Kata.

I love the look, Visuals and choreography of Equilibrium, but it has to be understood in the post-Matrix Movie world.


I've seen Ultraviolet and still prefer the gunkata in Equilibrium.


Agreed. Ever had a friend slash open his hand spinning his sword around? I have. Hope they don't start performing Gun-Kata around me. I'm not saying combat with guns could not be turned into a form with some logical movements, Mata is not a fighting system and is generally used for training and entertainment. The movie writers appear to have failed to realize this or didn't care cause it sounds cool. To me Gun-Kata does exist. It's called a shooting range, also known as practice.
Calling people stupid does not improve your argument. But does make you an A-Hole.


When the movie came out, it was reported their was a "live version" of it where accidents occurred! I read about it 10 years ago! Idiots! Finale still well done! It does take me back to the 60's & 70's when Big Brother movies were pervasive from "Fahrenheit 451" to "THX 1138" & "Logan's Run" to "Brave New World!"  

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7
