Carver the crossdresser

What's Carver's deal? I see him accidentally drop a girls' bathing suit which he claims is for his sister when I'll bet it's not (episode 40, I think), then he has a whole closet full of dresses (episode 50: Tutor).


Yeah I always notice that ! Good question. No one seems to really say anything about it in the show. They just dismiss it . I wished we knew what was going on with that. Maybe if the show stayed on longer the secret would have been out and discussed! But for know I guess it just means one thing. Carver secretly likes to dress in girls clothing!


Everything you posted on this subject makes sense. On the other hand, if Carver's fetish had been openly discussed on the show, it would lose its subtlety, where I think the humor lies. Also, I don't think too many conservative parents would want their kids exposed to that sort of thing.
I wouldn't care, but then I'm not very conservative ... or a parent.


Yeah. That's true. Some things are just better left unsaid!


OR OR hes parents have told him they wished they had another daughter. lol or he's just gay


1) It's just a running joke.

2) Most cross-dressers are not gay.



Good point.
