What happened?

My friend and I were just chatting about the Weekenders and we both realised that we have no idea what actually happened to the show!

So, er, does anyone know what happened?

Any info would be great, thanks! ^.^


Twinkie: Do you know what 'D.K.' means?
Shawn Boswell: Donkey Kong?


Wow! It's been quite a long time since I posted on board about The Weekenders. I love this show! To me it the best television show of all-time. It's a Disney cartoon too and I dislike most of Disney's new shows (especially their new animated shows).

I believe it wasn't popular enough. I know, you may be thinking who cares if it was popular or not. To me it just wasn't simply popular enough in the long run. It had a big following in the first year with mostly the target audience (ages 8-11 or so). Then older kids (12-14) were into it also. Then you had people like me well in to their later teen years who watched it. I was 18 when I really got into it.

So the lack of popularity is what may have cancelled the show. A lack of interest is what made the show now history. It's really a shame. I know it will never see any revival of any kind. It's going to be sadly forgotten in the years to come. Maybe, just maybe there will be a movie.

Yeah check out my Weekenders fan site. The only website I ever had the time to make. 5 year anniversary! http://www.geocities.com/theweekenderszone


Did it really lack popularity? Wow, my other friend thought that it had heaps of viewers!

We certainly loved it and we're 16-17 now and enjoyed it when we were younger.

Thanks for your help! ^.^


Twinkie: Do you know what 'D.K.' means?
Shawn Boswell: Donkey Kong?
