MovieChat Forums > The Weekenders (2000) Discussion > How Can These Four Be Friends?

How Can These Four Be Friends?

Seriously, none of them have similar interests. I can really see an episode of them splitting up and finding new friends (groups) in High School.

Tino > Loser Group
Carver > Fashion Group
Tish > Sophisticated Group
Lor > Athletic Group

Doesn't anyone else see foreshadowing?


lol, not at all, considering it's made by DISNEY.
plus, the fact that they're so different but still can be good friends is what makes the show funny and wholesome, family channel style.

"Self-improvement is masturbation. Now, self-destruction..."



they may be different but me and my friends are different it would be boring if we were all the same so i can see them being good friends in high school


That wouldnt happen, not only because it was disney BUT also,

the show is called Weekenders for a reason, its all about their weekends. A lot of the episodes involve them not being able to agree about what to do on the weekend, because they are all very different. If they were all losers, it would probably be the same episode over and over and over again.

So it would be quite illogical to split them up.


It's totally possible for them to be friends. My very best friends and I are totally different. One is a really preppy hard-working sort of girl, another is a total jock/partier, the other a sort of intorverted, heavy-metal kind of guy.

We all get along perfectly. In fact, we probably get along better because we're different. It would be totally boring for us to be exactly the same because we'd always be doing the same crap over and over again.

Anyway, why would Tino be in the loser group? I think he's the coolest. ^^;


Well, it all started when they were in Saturday detention together... oh wait that's something else.


being different is what makes friends friends. if they were all the same, then they wouldnt hang with eachother would they? they would just hang with themselves, because they are all alike, they wouldnt need eachotherc company. Get it. and they are all losers on the show so it balances out.





Really? I thought the series made a point to show the same stuff they all enjoy, like eating pizza, hanging out at the arcade, etc. Okay, not the best examples, but they complement each other really well. Which is more what the show's about.



well so many shows have different groups of friends
like one of my other favorite shows is that 70's show
(for ne one that watches)
and theyare all REALLY different 2
maybe its like a cliche kinda thing...


Take a real good look at your friends, and you might begin to realise you all aren't as similiar as you might first think. It only takes one interest in common to make two complete strangers best friends, and one of the things I value most about my friendship is the fact I can argue certain ideas and philosophies without anyone getting too offended.

Take a Screenshot, It'll last longer!

- Browncoat



There is a episode where they split up because they are too different but come back together at the end.



Tino "Hey tony you ok".Tony " SURE SURE SURE SURE" , i love that part

my fave ep is the one where Tino has a crush on a punk girl and all his friends are telling him that shes not a nice girl b/c shes a punk, I love that ep. i think its the valentines day one.



yea in that 70s show its even odder =]
theres the foriegn kid, the snotty rich grl, the feminist grl, the rebel guy, the geekish guy, and the stupid guy (go kelso!)
so compared to that, the kidz in the weekenders could ttly be friends.


Exactly friennds all have diffrient insterts.

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."


me and my closest friends are opposites in everyway
ex: i like sports, one likes fashion
i have high grades, another one is barely passing
we barely have any classes together since we have diffirent interest but when school ends or during breaks we hang out like sisters
