Favorite Lines/Scenes

This will always be a favorite with me: Tino's mom was dating and Tino had two different dreams, each one ending with Captain Dreadlock and Tino fighting an alien slugmonster.

DREADLOCK: Oh look. It's Martin Van Burren.

VAN BURREN: *riding toy train* Down with the cotton gin! Down with the cotton gin!!!

That was so utterly random and clever for a kids TV show. That'd be more like something you'd see on "Family Guy" or "Futurama."

CARVER: Hey, maybe if we got plastic surgery to look like famous celebrities! They always get invited to cool stuff.

LOR: OH! I wanna be Tiger Woods!
(Trying to get Tino not to like this weird girl)
CARVER: Nothing's working! Hey, I know! How about Jennifer Love Hewitt! *JLH is standing like right there*

K, that's all I have. Your turn.


haha, those are great quotes. i wish i could say i've seen the episodes enough times to be able to remember the quotes. i often laugh out loud at the quotes that remind me of family guy, etc. that's why even at 18 i find this show hilarious.

"Self-improvement is masturbation. Now, self-destruction..."


maximum tishage


I love this show but I haven't seen it in a while. My favorite scene is from the episode "Home@work" when Tish and Carver are picking temporary friends for the weekend. As I recall one of the kids they interviewed for their friends kept saying "I like pointy things". That episode was hysterical.

*All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.*


Carver: I am going to be CARP!
Tino: Did you say Carp?
Carver: That stands for what I want to be. Cool And Radically Popular.
Tino: It's a good thing you don't want to be Cool RICH And Popular.
Carver: Why?
i just find that hilarious i duunno why though and the friend that says i like pointy things is francies<<something like that>she's my favorite character because I LOVE POINTY THINGS and when she says it the camera gets closer and her eye twitches :D


i just saw a great episode where tino wants to go trick-or-treating but the rest don't. i can't remember the exact quote, but it was along the lines of this.
he says they should go out dressed as things beginning with 'M'. Lor as a millipede, carver as a marshmallow, tino as the country mexico, and tish as madame mao. carver says "i'm going to put this as delicately as possible: NUMBER ONE: WE ARE NOT GOING TRICK-OR-TREATING! NUMBER TWO: IF WE DID GO, I WOULD BE MADAME MAO, CAUSE I LOOK BETTER IN RED ARMY GREY!"

"Self-improvement is masturbation. Now, self-destruction..."



I liked those. XD

Tino's Mom: It's ostrich meat.
Tino: GACK!
Tino's Mom: Oh, come on. It's just bird. You like chicken, don't you?
Tino: Yeah, but I KNOW ostriches! The guy down the street has some. There was this one that I called Jimmy, and he poked his head through the fence when I walked by!
Tino's Mom: That guy is an ostrich farmer. That's where I got the meat from.
Tino: *looks at ostrich meat burger* ..JIMMY!

Sorry if that was too long.

And once the Pizza place was an 'airport' or something. Later on you can see him with a airplane-shaped pizza, and he's 'flying' around. Then you can hear crashing sounds in the background. XDXD


Lmao, i remember those my fave one was the episode where they do the radio play,i think it was something like this
Lor: So TIsh wanted to do the play
Tino: Yep
Lor: And we didnt want to do the play
Tino: Yep
Lor: But now we're back doing the play
Tino: Yep
Lor: So how is this meeting halfway?
Tino: Theres a very good answer to that question...
Lor: Do you know what it is?
Tino: Nope
I love this show i wish they made more episodes or still showed it.


i think the best line is from the episode wheer tish's mom was hanging with them.. she was like i wanna go to the mean erasers.....
what are the mean erasers
the mean erasers
oh the mini racers....
(it went somethin like that!)


lol! i love love tish's mom
me n my friend recite lines from the weekenders on a daily basis lol n were 16....
umm my faves...
tish's mom:now you look like fishin model
lor:fishin model
tishs mom:you know like fishin fishin model
lor:oh fashion model

n then shes like

tishs mom:now you hot like spicy bean!

and todd i love todd lol

"time to water the garden"

"turkey bird!"

"carver will you get me ma pool monkey?!"


haha tish's mom is so funny. i just saw the episode where tish gets a B on a test and her mom's explaining about the labels people get:
"Your father used to be The Brain too, like you. Then he grew beard, and now he's Beardy-Man."


i think it was tish who said this..

"i see your mouth moving, but al i could hear is bla bla bla"


"i think it was tish who said this..

"i see your mouth moving, but al i could hear is bla bla bla" "

It was Tino talking to his mum after she offers the most sane and logical solution to a problem.

My favourite lines are all just odd ones from random episodes:

"I'm going to call you Jimmy 2"

L "We'll do it AND get an A+ to boot!"
C "Oh!"
L "A C-, to boot!"

T "He doesn't like me, he really doesn't like me!"
C "We kinda knew that!"
T "And look at me, not caring! This is me not caring!"

All rather good, but all the episodes are just utter brilliance given it's a cartoon aimed at rather young people!

"There is no you, there is only me!"
"Who's going to hold your hand when you die?"
