Who Was The Kid!?

No matter who the real killer was, or if Jack was completely crazy!
Who played the kid who found the little girl's body at the start of the film?
I can't find the name listed in the credits!


i was a extra in this movie i was on the ski doo float with him im the kid with the brown hair but anyways he probly wouldnt be credited or anything he got the part cause his dad was a producer or sumthing but yeah he was a nobody actor just was related to the right people i guess if thats the kid ur talking about ive never been able to watch this movie all the way through it was terrible lol


It's odd that the child isn't credited, and it's unfortunate that the poster above mine has such disregard for this film (as well as for punctuation and capitalization). I think the boy did a very good job, and I found his appearance on the float one of many haunting scenes in this film.

I was rather expected Nicholson's character to follow up with him after seeing him in the parade, but I don't think any more interaction would have helped to solve the case. It was just another reminder of how even when the detective would try to enjoy himself, he couldn't get away from the haunting memories of the crime and the perpetrator.
