
does daniel radcliffe have a big role in this movie? and u know how that every character in movies have their own problem.............whats daniel radcliffe's problem? plz and thankyou!



No, he doesn't have a big role. He just Harry Pendel's son, nothing more.


what does he look like in the movie?


Like a little boy. He vaguely resembles his current self. I didn't recognize him, though.

Oh, and no, he doesn't have a problem. He's just an incidental character (the main guy's son, as someone else said). I don't recall him appearing much at all.


Yeah... it´s just a small role. He said some lines, nothing more. Because the story is about Andy Osnard (played by Pierce Brosnan) and Harry Pendel (Geoffrey Rush). The whole story is about talking these two people: Harry said something to Andy and Andy gave him money and went to the embassy. And Daniel Radcliffe was there only four times, I think. Only when Harry went home and met up with the family, took the children to school, celebrated daughter´s birthday. Nothing more, really.
And he was just 12, thru making this movie, so he looks... just like the young boy.



really? Brendan Gleeson and Dail Radcliffe together again???? I love this movie, but the most I´d like to see Danny again with Pierce :-)


"work together" ? Come on, they don't even have a scene together, they've probably never met.
