More le Carré stuff please

Hi, just wanted to say what a great film. I have been to Panama and this film reminds me of good times there, to all the critics of the movie I just have three words "Its a SATIRE". I am looking to see and read more of John le Carré`s work. can anyone recommend any other books or movies. I like the kind of twisted character Brosnon plays and am interested if his character appears in any of le Carré`s other books.
Lastly the alternate ending on the UK DVD was so funny its worth buying the dvd for.

"I hope it feels so good to be right. There's nothing more exhilerating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there? " Clerks


John le Carre writes literary spy novels. Have you read The Tailor of Panama, or just seen the movie? If you've only seen the movie, you should probably then start with the book that it was based on, as there are some differences. What kind of novels do you like to read? Who are some of your favorite authors? I'm a huge le Carre fan, so I'll try to recommend something to your tastes.

Other good le Carre movies are:

The Russia House
The Constant Gardener
The Spy Who Came In From The Cold

Other good le Carre mini-series are:

Smiley's People
A Perfect Spy
Tinker, Tailor Soldier, Spy

EDIT: The Tailor of Panama is the only novel so far with the character Andy Osnard (the guy Pierce Brosnan played) in it.

The only second chance you get is to make the same mistake twice. - David Mamet



If you still want more recommendations, you can pop over to the John le Carre board here on IMDb.

The only second chance you get is to make the same mistake twice. - David Mamet
