MovieChat Forums > The Tailor of Panama (2001) Discussion > I did not enjoy this film....

I did not enjoy this film....

...when I first saw it int he theaters. However, the reviews on this board and others give it a good rating so perhaps I'll give it another go as it's just starting on the television.


I don't think it was particularly good. I can't put my finger on why, but if you compare it to the BBC adaptions of 'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy' and 'Smiley's People', it seems very paltry indeed. Rush, while a good actor, doesn't seem to fit the role of unassuming, mild-manned Le Carre protagonist. He has a natural flamboyance that can't be tamed. Brosnan didn't seem comfortable in Andy's shoes, either. He wants to be the hero. Curtis was fine, but unfortunately, Le Carre, to whom I mean no disrespect (love him), cannot write American dialogue to save his life.



I must admit I was VERY disappointed when I first watched it, but only because I was expecting a Bond type film. But after having taken a little while away and watching it again not expecting big guns and fast cars I must say I LOVE it.

"Creasy's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpeice."


This is my favorite movie. In fact, my mother bought it for me for Christmas.
