MovieChat Forums > The Tailor of Panama (2001) Discussion > Does Daniel Radcliffe have an accent?

Does Daniel Radcliffe have an accent?

I haven't seen the movie, and I don't know where it takes place, but does Daniel Radcliffe still have his accent in this movie, or did he have to talk without one?


I can't even remember if he has a speaking part. If he does, it's pretty short. His involvement in the movie is minimal.

The only second chance you get is to make the same mistake twice. - David Mamet


as i remember, he was speaking here once, when they were having a picnic...


Yeah, I have seen this movie and Dan does have his British Accent! He dosen't have many lines, though. the actress who plays his sister has a bigger part than him, though, although niether of them have a very big part!

Note to anyone who wants to watch this movie to see Dan: It is not a little kids movie, it has porn in it. also I didn't really get the storyline etiher!

but it is worth a look to see Dan. He only looks about eight, although he must have been older, because it was released around the same time as Philisophers stone, I think.



Anyone that ignores the R rating and the obviously adult plot spelled out on the back of the case to show this movie to their children because of Daniel Radcliffe's tiny bit in it has already damaged their offspring for life by simply passing their moronic genes to them.


Dear, has it ever occurred to you that Americans *also* have an accent?



I think everyone knows American's too have an accent... They were talking in reference to Dan's British accent... obviously wondering if he was British in this particular film... Which he is...
Kellie x



Is the "Americans have accents" an insult? Oh, and DEE-DEE-DEE! Of course he has an accent! And by the way, Dee-Dee-Dee is an American thing. =(



do you think daniel can act?


perhaps he only got the potter part because he looks (a tad) like him. because he certainly can't act; or not very well at least


First of all, he looks a lot like Harry, and second of all, the idea that he only got the part because of his looks is silly because MILLIONS of boys tried for it and I'm sure there were many Harry look-alikes.


WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! Daniel Radcliffe is a phenominal actor!!! He definetly acts perfectly for any part that he plays!

Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them - Forrest Gump


no he does not have an accent he says mom instead of mum in the movie so he talks like an American. And when the title is tailor of panama it's placed in panama!!


just to clear everything up:
There is no such thing as "no accent". No matter what, everyone has some sort of an accent. It's just whether or not u notice it, depending on how you speak. Many "ignorant" americans think that they do not have an accent, and that anyone on tv who speaks with an american "accent" does not have one either. Mainly Californian "accents" are regarded as "non-accents".

*sigh* I bet our prez doesnt even know that.

"Love Is A Force Of Nature"
~Brokeback Mountain



Actually, yes he does have the British accent in the Tailor of Panama. Jamie Lee Curtis is the only one in the Pendel family who doesn't have the British accent.


OK calm down people. Yes we all have accents. I think the question is more like, 'does he DO an accent?'

If memory serves Geoffrey Rush is the only one doing an accent. He's an Aussie actor playing an Englishman working in Panama and has an American wife.
