Seriously underrated

Probably one of the best, and creepiest, slashers ever. I could've sworn that Andrew Kevin Walker of SEVEN fame wrote HAPPY HELL NIGHT, but took his name off it. Did anybody else hear that story?


I ordered this, it was cheap, and I just wanted to see some more slashers. This isn't the 80's, but early 90's slashers were pretty decent too.

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I think it could have been really scary if Melius (?) didn't say anything -- those silly no-no's were so dumb. It was like they wanted it not to be a straight slasher movie and put in some humor in an attempt to be clever. How did they get McGavin and a few others for cameos? Still a scary movie in parts and worth watching if you like slasher films.


yeah, the fact that the killer had a sense of humor after sitting motionless in a cell for 30 years was just plain dumb


I wouldn't go as far as you went, but this is a slasher that is definitely worth a watch. Sam Rockwell is in it, years before Charlie's Angels, Galaxy Quest and Hitchhiker's Guide. I think the guy who played Sonny was in Smallville, and I know I've seen the brother somewhere.

Good imaginative story, creepy scenes, decent pacing. Overall a good solid 5/10.


I agree with you; the acting was atrocious, but the villain was creepy and some scenes were pretty scary. Not enough Sam Rockwell at all though! He appears for less than 2 minutes overall!
A 5/10 for me too.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)


Really? I found it depressingly bad. Jarring dialogue (from the killer AND the victims), wooden performances (due to inadequate direction, I suspect), music that often seems inappropriate for the action, etc. And the sting in the end is plain embarassing. There just wasn't anything about this one that I liked.


Its awfulness is what made me enjoy it so much. I love the fact that they have Jorja Fox on the cover of the dvd yet she was uncredited in the film - trying to make some money off the film still - hehe!


lol the last 30 minutes(or whatever) was so bad. I can't remember when I've seen something so ineptly handled. I would be surprised if the director ever worked again, along with whomever edited this.




I think it's underrated too, but most people seem to dislike it. It's choppy at the end but I love the atmosphere of it and the weirdness of the undead-not-undead killer makes it even more bizarre. Some great, creepy scenes throughout as well. It's a weird movie because it was released in '92 yet it has a distinct late-eighties feel to it. I've read somewhere that it was shot in the late '80s but I'm not sure if that's true or not.
