blue and red

did anyone notice the significance of these two colours?
for example:
the beginning, runt speaks "once upon a time, before there was any blue"
then when she asks pig what the colour of love is.
also, when the guy runt likes, the one that couldnt read. he wears his red sweater all through out the movie. and finally pig steals it when he bashes him.
his more like a bull. seeing only red. violence, and hate.
when the 3 are pretty much surrounded by the people watching pig bash him, they are all wearing black. everyone of them. so pig coulndt see anyone really, except the red, of hate.
runt then suffocates pig with a blue towel, i think it was, that was under pigs head at the beach. blue being the colour of love.
and on top of that, was the red sweater. suffocated and killed by love and hate.
and then finally, Flame Turns Blue, the song after the end, and the during the credits.

"I never noticed, hadnt seen it as it grew
The voice between us where the flame turns blue"

this movie fits together all so well.
and then it completly ends with the haunting yet amazing voice by Cillian Murphy singing So New.



Absolutely! I didn't quite notice what an integral part color played in this movie. It makes me really appreciate Disco Pigs all the more.

The only thing I don't quite agree on was the "killed by love and hate" theory on the beach. I interpreted it as, what is seemingly another act of violence on the surface, is an act of love at it's core... mostly love. A love that no one would understand outside of their world. Given the size of the blue towel, and the little scrap of red.

I dunno... I rather enjoy hearing everyone's theories.


Another bit of possibly significant red is the red bloodstain on Runt's face in the last part of the film, so even though she is wearing blue she still has red on her.


Well, Pig moves Runt's hand to the red shirt so that she understands what he wants her to do. However, she decides to take the blue cloth that his head was resting on and put that over his face rather than the red.

Does she want the last thing he sees before he dies to be the color of love?

Red is also an interesting choice because it is a color that can be associated with both love and rage, which is what their relationship was based on.
Oh, and its also a nice touch that his eyes are blue.


I watched Disco Pigs primarily out of curiosity for other films by the director of my all-time favorite movie, August Rush. There, the blue and red theme also plays a major part. Initially to distinguish Louis from Lyla, but the colours merging slowly in their dialog. So the use of colour could have also been very intentional in this film.


I love the theories about the colors. I think it was definitely intentional. I don't know if it means anything but it's also kind of interesting that the photo album Runt had was red.
