Timmy's a brat

This show is my current fad. Anyway though I really like this show I have this ablity to be able to still pick fault with stuff I like.

I like the show as I say, but any else think Timmy Turner is a little brat who doesn't deserve Cosmo & Wanda? He seems very demanding and selfish and never seems think about what he wishes for. He has 2 parents who love him very much (even if they have an odd way of showing it) I really don't think he should get faires myself. If anyone should have them it should be Chester.

I rip apart the whole premise of the show with that comment I know but if you like a show enough you can do that lol


Timmy's parents are always off doing diffrent d Timmy's got a evil baby sitter so he's muchly need fairies.



I've changed my mind since posting that comment. I've gone though more episodes and can understand why he needs them now.
