MovieChat Forums > Dora the Explorer (2000) Discussion > Dora's Ballet Adventure: two things...

Dora's Ballet Adventure: two things...

Alright, so I'm watching The Nanny and I saw a commercial/preview-thing for this new Dora special.

1: Seriously? They're still making Dora specials? I'm actually surprised, because Dora came on when I was in 1st or 2nd grade, and now I'm a junior in HS (11th). Every once in a while they'll come out with NEW: DORA SAVES ______!! Or, DORA GOES TO ______! I thought they were done with making those TV-specials and even episodes. But then again, I haven't actually seen Nick Jr. in years... Hm.

2: Okay... this just made me think of Black Swan. Black Swan was a hit movie and tons of people like it. So, what does Nick (jr) do? Go with what's popular to catch attention. Dora meets Ballet. Though, I'm sure not many 2-5 year olds have seen the movie because it's a mature film... but I guess parents find it funny and sit down to watch it with their children? I don't know.
But I'm going to assume nothing... happens... between Dora and Isa. Haha, but I must admit that would defininetly make the show interesting for once. (Kidding!)


I'm a senior in high school and I'm just as shocked as you about the Dora specials. They kind of need to end. Also, with the Black Swan thing, ballet has all of a sudden become "in." Personally, as a dancer, I find it rather irritating. I'm afraid of what kind of terrible things this special might inspire. I'm picturing small children practicing going en pointe without proper shoes or training and breaking their ankles. Dora is what, 5? She's far too young to be en pointe or doing any serious ballet training. Sure, it will inspire some young girls to take up ballet and their parents will put them in classes, but what of those who don't have the opportunity to go to class? How many injuries will this cause from kids pretending to be ballerinas and not knowing that they can ruin their feet/ankles forever?
