Dora Quotes Jurassic Park

So I'm pretty sure I heard Dora (May of been Diego?) telling my nieces and nephew that a t-rex won't see them if they don't move. Wondering if I imagined this hilariousness, anyone else see it? I've been trying to find a clip but no luck.

"I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you."
Captain Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds


No, you are correct. It is the episode Baby Dino, where Dora, Boots, and Diego are guiding a blue apatosaur home to its island. Map has them walk in front of a T. rex and Diego pulls out his PDA and explains how they can't allow themselves to be seen moving because the T. rex only detects movement. Then all four sneak by on their tip-toes and freeze in place when the rex looks over.
