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...Hardly, with no relevance to eachother at all, not even in appearance there's not even a point in them being Children, which rarely comes up in this god-awful show.

Why it is they continue to show this garbage on Nick in the US is beyond me, everyday at 9:00 pm for an HOUR, for years they've shown this and I grow more sick of watching this everyday.

Why? Several reasons.

1. Lousy animation.

The cartoons as you may know seem to be based off charater made by Buch Hartman, and animation style has been applied accordingly to the illustrations on his Odd-Parents, by giving everything extra outlines.
That's fine for still images but it doesn't work so well when it comes to animating, the lines just annoy you.

2. Bad characters.

So get this, the show is called "Chalkzone" in which the show is based around two kids, here's the thing though, they have nothing to do with eachother, they have different interests, appearances, opinions, pretty much everything, which more or less defeats the object of them even being twins, they may as well be just friends.
As well as other things, the trash freak Garilla who'll do unethical things to his own monkey-child Reggie, and the stupid pig-dad who sells "Cheeze Burger Smothis", which brings me to my next point.

3. Unexcusable plot.

Finally, the plot fails to entertain.
Last I checked, nerds who have no friends and do things no-one cares about like saving a tree are not exactly liked in real life, so WHY center the show around Rudy, the complete, no interest character? His "friend" Penny doesn't really have much of a point either other than to cause mischeif once in a while, it's all around what Rudy does.

And what Reggie does is basically be pathetic in attempting to protect Bulliness. His acting is far too corny, if not intentional to be a little and then there's his competition with Hazcam, the major meat product company that seems to control the town with it's lousy products.

That being said, it doesn't entertain you, just an all out terrible show that baffles me how they still show it on Cartoon Network.

If this show ever reachs your local TV channel, avoid, for the love of god avoid this crap.


I agree. The show has no plot. The character has a piece of chalk to save stupid chalk worlds. Why not just a PDA and a stylus? That would be much cooler. Plus the idea of the terrible animation and stupid characters such as the box guy and stupid songs make me want to stop watching Nick Period.

