Could've gone on longer

We see how hard Ginger and Courtney are having it in high school, but then the series pretty much ends. We never get to see any resolution, such as Ginger standing up to her shrew of a teacher. Honestly if I had to hear anyone give me a problem after almost dying and coming back from surgery, when I probably need more time off, that person would get an earful. Courtney loses all her popularity, but she wasn't even a bitch like her "friends" Miranda and Mipsy. Sure she was a little shallow and vain, but it would've been nice to see her overcome obstacles. Especially when her family lost all of their money and was forced to live in Ginger's old home in the series finale. Heck she doesn't even show up at the book reading by Ginger and sadly Ginger was probably her only real friend. The others only stuck by her for her popularity and wealth. The second she was in high school they deserted her.

Also does anyone else agree that Courtney was a much better friend to Ginger than Dodie or Macie? Dodie was always turning on Ginger and then would constantly apologize. After a while a person like that is kind of "toxic". Macie was more of a neurotic mess who could get pulled into things easily, even if it went against her own moral code. Courtney may have been shallow, but she was still nice. She never tossed someone under the bus the same way Dodie did and would stand up for herself more than Macie would. It's unfortunate that they didn't become best friends. Courtney even told Ginger about everyone's plans to split her and Darren up. She was a true friend.


After reading your post, I watched the rest of Season 2 and 3 and I absolutely agree--Courtney was a much better friend to Ginger. Courtney and Ginger have cultural differences but she still manages to do the right thing by Ginger, which shows intentional caring. Dodie and Ginger have similar cultures, but Dodie always manages to do the wrong thing, which shows she is with Ginger because of a common culture rather than a choice. Meanwhile, as Courtney is growing and overcoming the culture of her youth, she is finding Ginger is the friend she wants instead of the common culture friends that she'd had with the "popular girls".

I think Ginger's observation in "Butterflies are Free" is right on, she realizes that things are going to change and they will grow apart. My guess is that if the show could've gone on and we'd see them as young adults in college, we'd see that they went their separate ways as they found friends that were friends by choice rather than "friends" by shared circumstance.

Then again, maybe I'm bias because I see echoes of myself in Ginger at that same age even as a male.


I agree, Ginger and Courtney would of been better friends. Dodie was not much of a friend, Im surprised Ginger put up with her for so long.


I agree with all of you! I wish we could have seen more of their high school years, and how carl and hoodsie do at Lucky Jr. High. Now that we are older we notice things a lot more than when we were younger. I definetly cannot stand dodie or macie, especially when they kept attacking ginger when they were afraid of losing her, saying 'you were alone once, you were a nobody until you found us in the 2nd grade' & im like ugh, well who are yall to talk? yall were probably nobodies too and ginger can actually handle being a lone wolf unlike both of you!

And I definetley agree with the second poster, now that Courtney isn't popular or wealthy, and ginger has dropped podie and Stacey lol they could be friends. Dodie was so pathetic as she was trying to be popular and on the cheerleading squad, and I can't get over how lame macie was, she acted like her stuf didn't stink the second she got her first boyfriend.

But in the wedding frame, we see dodie and macie at her ginger's book reading/signing...maybe somewhere along the way they became friends again?


You know, I could never really understand why Courtney was so attached to Ginger and leaving Ginger's friends out in the cold.

From reading everyone's responses in this thread, I didn't think Dodie and Macie were all that bad friends. Sure they weren't perfect and they had their own differences and spats, no friendship is perfect, but there were times when it did seemed like they cared for Ginger.

Dodie was the one who decided to wrote the letter to Darren so he could come clean with his infidility to Ginger, and Dodie and Macie were willing to visit Ginger at the hospital when her appendix had burst. Most importantly, where was Courtney in the midst of all this? I didn't really see that much of her in the high school episodes, surprisingly.

"Arnold, my love, why must I worship you...and NEVER EVER tell?" 
