Where to obtain Ringu 0

Does anybody know how to download Ringu 0 from Kazaa? What do you search for? I tried downloading one copy and it took a long time and just didn't work, whereas my Ringu 1 and 2 do.
Also, I search for it now, and don't find any results. Any suggestions?


Well, maybe this sounds REALLY strange to you, but have you ever considered either renting or buying it?

-"Wow, what a speech! Half Moses, half Mickey Mouse!"-


Hey. I'm also interested into this movie. Can I get it at blockbuster or Ebay? Thanks!


Just try ebay. You can get a decent vcd copy for around $10 or so. Try typing in "Japanese horror". Just be sure that your dvd player is compatible with vcds.



O the 11th of July 2003 the Ringu Box Set is being released in Australia on DVD (r4). All 3 Ringu flicks for only A$46.95 (about US$30). I've yet to see the transfer for Ringu 0, but the other two have great transfers and good subtitles.

check it out at: http://www.ezydvd.com.au/item.zml/223605


There's a place where you can get widescreen VHS copies of the trilogy. (All are subtitled.)


The vendor is reliable, and the prices are cheap -- the first tape is $8 (+$2 for shipping) and $5 a tape after that. You could have the entire trilogy for $20.00 (no extra shipping after first tape).

I've got them all from this guy... the quality is very good.


If you're gonna bootleg and be illegal, you may as well do it correctly. Kazaa is not the correct way.


I bought all three on ebay for $40 on DVD. They are region 0, so they play everywhere. If they weren't DVD, they were great copies. I think they are DVD, make sure you buy the one with the DVD case. They have good subtitiles as well. Ringu 0 rules!!!!


I bought Tartan Video's version from www.mvc.co.uk. I live in the US, but my DVD player's all region and converts PAL, so I'm good to go. However, if you live in the US, please keep in mind that it is R2 and PAL, so most standard US players can't play it. I played it with a Norcent DP 302v, which I got for $40 at Amazon.com. I looked up an all region hack on the net.


If you are from the UK you can buy it from Virgin or HMV. I recommend HMV as theybhave the whole world cinema thing. If not then download it from Bittorrent. Hope this helps!!


If u type in Ringu on Kazaa, u can download all the ringu's. The original's best tho, followed by 0 then 2


Blockbuster? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry, I just..they have virtually no horror section now. We can't let someone's little kid get nightmares, while mommy's off looking at DVDs while her child is running around getting lost. Yeah, I always try to make a point at saying I hate Blockbuster for not having a horror section..like a decent one.

I also think it's a conspiracy, like they're mysogynistic. They'll have soft-core porn, but no horror films where girls are kicking a**. Hmm..says something, don't it?


I bought The Anthology of Terror! You get a decent transfer, good subtitles, and(best of all) all 4 Ringu films!! The only true downside is that there are NO extras on all of the discs, unless you count tv spots for The Ring, The Aviator, and 8 Mile(still on Ringu disc) special features.

Stan: Oh, My God?! We Killed Kenny!!
Kyle: We're Bastards!



Are you aware that Rignu and such films wouldnt be in the normal horror section at Blockbuster? They'd be in the foreign section.


I'd recommend the Tartan Video Ring trilogy. I watched this film last night and was quite impressed even though it does borrow too liberally from 'Carrie'. I thought it was kinda appropriate that the play they were doing was 'Eyes Without a Face' although in the film it was called 'The Mask'.



Wal-Mart is selling the entire four film anthology.

Also, you can rent all four films through blockbuster.com

Most blockbuster stores I've seen have at least Ringu and Ringu 0, though it obviously varies with them.

"This year I'm voting Republican. The Democrats left a bad taste in my mouth."
-Monica Lewinsky


Yeah, actually I originally saw this on a subtitled bootleg (and have since bought the entire collection on legit American DVD), and I have to say... if you get the same subtitle track I did on the bootlegs you would get (VCD, VHS or DVD), you won't understand the movie at all. Go for the movie set (You also get Ringu, Ringu 2 and Rasen). Better quality with the subtitles, and it's legit (and not all that expensive. I got the set from Best Buy for around the same price as one high end DVD, so about 25 to 28 dollars).
