Scary Images?

What "scary images" are there in this? Last I heard it was more of a drama... I just want to know, because I plan on seeing it, and certain things ina movie bother me.

"Pink is evil. THERE ARE MANY SHADES OF EVIL YA KNOW!"- Maria Lark


Well, there are a few bits here and there that are really, really eerie and creepy, but the best bit as far as horror-wise is the big murder scene at the end. Just the ending in general is brilliant. I don't know why people don't think this is anyway scary. Yes, it is more of a drama than the other films, but the scary bits that are dotted throughout are VERY effective.

Perhaps the best bit is where Samara is after the last two people, and she is "chasing them" through the house (don't worry, she doesn't run or anything. Lol, that would just ruin the illusion completely). Anyway, the final bit of that scene where she is creeping towards the two people and she is kind of grinding/unbreaking all of her's just weird, man

"I come bearing a gift. I'll give you a hint: It's in my diaper and it's not a toaster"
