MovieChat Forums > Cheerleader Ninjas (2003) Discussion > If you like films from troma youll like ...

If you like films from troma youll like this one...

Cheerleader Ninjas, is not the funiest film in the world. Frankly i didnt find it funny at all. But then again i dont like Troma films either. So if you like films like the Toxic Avenger, then youll probably like this film. Its silly to the 10th degree.

Frankly i think the funiest preformance was from Kira Reed, and she was only in two scenes. The rest of the film kind of tails spins out of control. But im the type of person who uses logic allot in movies. Even warped logic would have sufficed but this films throws logic and reason out the window.

In the end this film isnt for your average comedy viewer but for people who enjoy warped and weird comedies. Not the worst film in the world but not the best either.



As someone who actually has enjoyed several Troma films, I respectfully disagree with the above opinion. :) I have a soft spot for guilty pleasures, broad camp and "so bad it's good" type of films but I didn't care much for this one.

For my money, Kira Reed was the only watchable element. Yes, she's naked and gorgeous, but she also felt to me like the only one who was actually _trying_ to perform in such a broadly bad fashion -- rather than just being a bad performer.

So, fellow Trom-ites, proceed with caution...

Kudos to the exec producer for getting into the discussions on the boards, btw. I'm impressed by your ability to respond to criticism without sinking down into a quagmire of pointless flames. Ya seem like a nice fella. Wish I liked your film better.

- sw


Sorry you didn't like the film, but thanks for the kind words. The director has just completed post-production on his next film (a horror film titled Backslash), and I hope you enjoy it a lot more than Cheerleader Ninjas.

Tony Osio
Executive Producer
"Cheerleader Ninjas"


I like Troma, and did not find this movie funny at all. I think this is the only movie i ever turned off before getting to the end. it had soo much potential... cheerleaders.. ninjas...but it just stunk to high heaven. I want my five dollars back!

And what the hell was with the guy wearing a millenium falcon on his head? noone would do that.. anyway WORST movie I've ever seen


I dunno, I wouldn't necessarily say it was Troma-esque. My only complaint was that it didn't seem to be able to keep up with the initial silliness. It started off great, but it kinda slowed down as it went on.

Still, I dug it, and here's hoping that video game gets made. :)
