question about ameline...

michele sang a song to her granddaughter something along the lines of 'ameline, ameline, eat up...etc etc' (i'm sorry i can't remember much more. later on in the film the cafe owner follows and has an affair with a socialite/ prostitute called ameline. had the story flash forwarded to the baby grown up or is this just a coincidence? it was a gorgeous film btw.


I also wondered about that one. Anyone got that?

Sisters, brothers, we'll make it to the promised land.



No, I don't think so, the name thing was quite confusing, as that is what i first thought. She wasn't a prostitute, she was the daughter of the right wing politician killed by Gerard, i felt it was to lead us down the wrong path about Gerard. Any other thoughts?


i think that the guy killed by Gerard was not the right wing politician, but a left wing politician who was having reunions or something wiht the right wing politicians. Gerard and the old man thought he was a traitor so they planned the assasination.

Also, i donĀ“t think that the two amelines are the same person, i guess is just a coincidence.
