MovieChat Forums > Summer Catch (2001) Discussion > The posters with K on them????

The posters with K on them????

I may have missed the explanation but what was with Ryan's friends putting up the posters with the letter K on them during the last game (the no hitter one)???


This is white supremacy at its worst. What's next, for the umpire to come out in a robe and hood??? Come on!


K's mean strikeouts in baseball


I don't even want to know what signifies a "ball" then. What a racist movie!


Its not racist thats what the abbreviation for strike out is. How is that racist?



ROFLMFAO. I see everyone's absurdity meter is on the fritz.


I am astonished by this question. Anyone who knows anything about baseball knows that K means strikeout. Fans do it all the time at major league games. I can't believe anyone thought this has anything to do with race or that it should have been censored. What idiots.


Why is a 'K' used for a strikeout in baseball?
In: Baseball [Edit]

The use of the last letter of Struck instead of the first to denote a strikeout dates back to when Henry Chadwick developed the box score in the late 1850's. Chadwick often used the last letter instead of the first, especially if he considered that letter to be the more prominent one in the word. Chadwick said "the letter K in struck is easier to remember in connection with the word, than S." He also used L for Foul and D for Catch on Bound. Only the K survived into the 20th Century. Source: Paul Dickson's The New Dickson Baseball Dictionary and Alan Schwarz's The Numbers Game. The common view that the K was used because the S was taken (by Sacrifice, Stolen Base, or Single) appears to be erroneous.


Because the flamed pitcher had dark skin so they were supporting Ryan since he is white. They were happy seeing a white man pitching

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Is everyone afraid only three strikeouts will be KKK?

I can't see how anything was racist.

It's time. Christmas is coming. I'll have to check online sites to see if someone can deliver something I pay for: you need a cluex4 between your eyes!

Now I'm going to have to dredge up the email addresses from my college soccer team. One was from Nigeria, the other, Kenya. 2/3 of our team was international.

We were riding home from a game and there was a car with the top down, with a bunch of women. "Gideon! Moon'em!" Gideon: "No moon. Full eclipse, maybe, but no moon."

I would truly like to know where the morons are getting racist material out of the movie. If it were truly racist, you'd have found any number of groups screaming comments to anyone who would listen - and a few who wouldn't.

If I read this to my dogs, they're going to laugh even harder than I am.


"When you're good at something, never do it for free."
Joker "The Dark Knight"


Wow! Is all I have to say. How the hell do you not know that K means strikeout?


Everytime he struck a batter out he put a K up. K means strike out, the backwards K's were for strike outs when the batter struck out looking, meaning he didnt even try to swing at it.
your welcome
