MovieChat Forums > Summer Catch (2001) Discussion > Are there really guys who prefer fat wom...

Are there really guys who prefer fat women?

I mean nice hot guys, like the one in the movie, who could get with a lot of hot women if they chose to. Are there really these type of men who actually prefer fat women to healthy women. And by the way, I don't mean fat/ugly guys who settle. I need answers!
By the way, sorry if this post comes off as shallow, but a lot of people do base their relationships on the other person's physical appearance. I just want to know if their are really guys out there who share this character's opinion in women.

"No, not next period, Right Now! Right Now! I'll take it right now! I'm ready for the test."


There probably are "Good looking sexy guys" who like "fat women" but they are probably few and far between. I've never seen the movie, but there are some guys who are into different things so I wouldn't doubt it. But to just go out to your local mall or bar and find that guy.... well lets just say you have a better chance of staring in a Kevin Smith film.


I worked with a guy that preferred heavier chicks.
He was the kind that could get any girl he wanted, but he
always said "Fat chicks are great. They dont expect much, are
pretty down to Earth, pretty cool, AND are usually willing
to do anything (sexually)".

He never liked how "hot" chicks were usually stuck-up and
full of themselves. He loved the look on their faces when
he would blow them off at a bar, and go home with a heavy girl.

That was his thing i guess.

It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.


I like to think that I'm a pretty good looking guy, and I've had my fair share of skinny chicks, but deep down I always had this attraction towards heavier girls. And this is the Godhonest truth, you don't have to believe me if you don't want.


Wow that's really cool of you. I've never met someone who was like that at all. I never really understood why there aren't more guys like you, because I know lots of girls who prefer heavier guys (not obese, just kind of bigger). But whatever, it's just a matter of opinion and personal preferences. Still that's really cool of you.

"No, not next period, Right Now! Right Now! I'll take it right now! I'm ready for the test."



It's too bad I'm married because I think you just stole my heart. <3


most guys would prefer a chick wit a huge a$$ and a little belly (somethin 2 grab one from behind ) then a chick wit a tight a$$ and a good sized rack (unless of course their like D or DD)

"Kryptonite Potatoes! I'm weakening!"


most guys would prefer a chick wit a huge a$$ and a little belly (somethin 2 grab one from behind ) then a chick wit a tight a$$ and a good sized rack

I think you got it backwards, unless you're just talking about black men.




Not necessarily fat,but I like women who don't look like popsicle sticks!



A good buddy of mine can get any chick he wants and I usually get his leftovers. He has always liked girls who are thin and toned. The only time I've seen him with a fat chick is when he almost passed-out drunk. She wasn't even all that fat (maybe a chunker version of kate winslet). Most of the guys I know, including myself, we prefer healthy girls with a little bit of meat. What's the point of screwing an anorectic girl with no T&A, a Paris Hilton type. To me Jessica Biel has the perfect body. I wish she had more movie scenes like the swimming pool one in Summer Catch and photo shoots like the one in Gear Magazine.


chubby chasers definetly exist. I was recently set-up for a date with a heavier girl by mutual friends. In the past I'd have never considered it but she slowly won me over. She doesn't act stuck up, or make me feel like I owe her something just for being around her like some "10's" act.


I dont consider myself bad lookin but i definitly perfer the larger girls. Its definitly not settling, I think its attractive, especially in the right places. Not only this but its true their personalities are generally warmer! So ya id defintly say our breed is far in between but we are there thats for sure. you can find communities online in a few places, and of course most are probably closeted like myself. I have to be really close to a girl to tell them something like that.


My gf is not exactly slim, but shes a great person. It's easy to make her happy, she doesnt expect the world from me and she's so down to earth. Several of my friends are stuck with "nose in the sky chicks" who think the world of themselves. Horrible!



I'm definitely not in Blucas' league, but I'm athletic and LOVE a curvaceous woman. Nothing wrong with that at all. Count me in.



Real Women Have Curves



Real Women Have Curves.

Actually, real women have vaginas.


hahaha, well played ;)


Once saw a documentary about so-called "Fat Lovers". They didn't even just lean toward heavier women--these were guys who were dating 400 lbs women and preferring it that way.
Now, I think it great that these guys are open for dating more than just the girls who fit society's stereotype of "beautiful". But I think it's wrong that they're still excluding people--ie slim girls. You should date someone for their personality, not for their body, whether its slim or fat.

Death by teacup. Now why didn't I think of that. -Kyra



There's been documentaries shown explorin' the phenomenon of 'Chubby Chasing' (as it's called) in the U.K ...

"Americans are prudes who left Europe 'cos they hated all the kinky sex"


To be honest, to me, it really doesn't matter. I have my own preferences. There is this one girl I like who seems rather scrawny, or maybe it's just me. I just don't want girls who are Kate Moss or Lara Flynn Boyle-like skinny. As for chubby girls, it really doesn't matter to me. As long as she isn't double my size. I am pretty overweight, far from obese, but definitely not a thin guy. Just average overweight. I guess it all depends. If there are some prime examples of chubbiness that I like in females, look at America Ferrara, who starred in "Real Women Have Curves". Now she is the type that I don't mind when it comes to chubby women. If they're good looking on the face, then yeah. There are overweight girls who have pretty faces. Another example is the girl who played Terri on "Degrassi: The Next Generation". But I am far from a chubby chaser. If they're muscular, mostly prefer women who are physically fit, like say, Torrie Wilson or Jackie Gayda, or even those fitness models on the Bowflex commercials. Just not as muscular like those Miss Olympia types that are in those female bodybuilding competitions. Again, my own preferences.

"Don't blame me! Blame society!"-Carl "CJ" Johnson



"English? Who needs that? I'm never going to England."


I dont like fat women but curvaceous women with a solid body are something I find very sexy. I dont like skinny girls.
