MovieChat Forums > Summer Catch (2001) Discussion > Was anyone expecting anything out of the...

Was anyone expecting anything out of the ordinary?

This never purported to be anything other than a formulaic, banal and lightweight teeny bopper flick. I was in the mood for one when I watched it and it delivered all I wanted: Unashamedly lame, archetypical plot, lots of utterly pointless and low brow humour and of course, the incomparable Jessica Biel, and also an enjoyable cameo from Beverly D'angelo who continues to be shaggable in her own way. All in all, a decent Teen/sports flick which delivered in it's purpose.


I think you are honestly trying to find a small glimmer of a positive within an utter pointless, ill humoured banter that merely creates undeveloped characters and nothing but small amusemnt from jessica beil, not for her acting ability but the fact she is reasonably aesthetically pleasing. Fair enough you found some moments "low brow humour" but there is low brow, and then there is completly immature and really, i cant imagine this movie would appeal to anyone over the age of 10, "archetypical plots" give me a break, it couldnt have been more predictable and set in concrete, on a cold winter day, with nothing to do but watch the national scrotum crushing contest and this, i would happily watch the scrotum show in happiness knowing that otherwise i would be watching this.



People just dont use the term "scrotum crushing" enough in
movie reviews.


thats exactly right, im trying to bring it back


Whatever depraved activities you partake in during your free time are entirely your prerogative, but I'd suggest that 'scrotum crushing' is a vocation best left contained in your private circle of like minded fetishist freaks rather than broadcast to the public.


hmmmm, i tend to disagree with your conservative views, I think the crushing of scrotums should be publicly practiced/celebrated. This has gotta be the best tangent ever on IMDb.

"just because you are a character, doesn't mean you have character"


Definatly a good tangent, yet it oddly goes along with the subject line.

It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.



a roid rage inspired brawl would be cool.

I'll talk some jive. I'll talk some jive like you've never heard!
