Your SC experience

I am not that impressed by the storyline or actors in this movie, but I really like the mood in it, the summer feeling that just makes you happy.

I started watch this movie about 3 years ago and have watched it every summer since. It is just a great way to celebrate summer!

Anyone agree?


I guess I can agree. It's one of those films about the small and big things in life that makes it worthwhile. For these fellas, it's just to play ball. I remember when I went to baseball camp for the summer for 3 consecutive years and all that was on my mind was just to have fun. That's the kind of memory and feelings that resurface when I watch this film. And it's not a really good baseball film, but just a pretty good easy-going-feel-good-summer-nostalgic film for me. And that's what really matters... it's how it affects the viewer, really.

but yeah. I enjoyed it for those reasons. And jessica biel.


watching this movie was like spending all summer when your 15 listening to a girl talk hoping you'll get laid, then she says goodbye her family is leaving for home.
its agonizing, and has no payoff.
and much like filed of dreams, the only people who enjoy this are the ones who miss playing catch with their dads.


I LOVE this movie. It makes me hope that my baseball skills will take me that far. It almost reminds me of For Love of the Game, but not much drama.

"Just because you don't understand doesn't mean it isn't so"
-The Bad Beginning


Whoa! Field of Dreams was cool movie. And I don't miss playing catch with my dad. But I suppose I'm biased since I'm and Iowan.


That is what I really like about the movie. Very nostalgic. I reminds of the summer ball I used to play during high school and the hopes that it would bring. I remember the nights when the GA heat let off a little bit and the games would begin. I'm not trying to sound poetic or anything, but brings me back to a time of some innocence. Other than that..the movie was so so, with either pretty bad acting, or pretty bad writing, or both. But the movie does def. have a great summer feeling.


Reminds me of the time I boned a life guard on the 4th of July, she had huge boobs. So much fun.


ba ha haha. well said


Thank ya!


I like this movie too, great summer flick. I usually toss down a few cold ones & enjoy.

Get busy livin..... or die tryin - Morgan Freeman, "The Shawshank Redemption"


i gotta go with the beer stein! this movie is classy like that.

I'll talk some jive. I'll talk some jive like you've never heard!
