Where Is Everyone??

More people need to start talking about this great splatter flick. Or more people need to see it. Where's the love? Slime City is classic camp/gore/horror. It's up there with Street Trash, Basket Case, Brain Damage, and the Toxic Avenger.


This movie kicks all kinds of ass.


Agreed. SLIME, along with BASKET CASE, STREET TRASH, and BRAIN DAMAGE carry some huge nastalgic value for me.


this movie doesn't get the credit it deserves. overall at great movie. without a doubt up there with basket case. street trash, brain damage and frankenhooker.
i got my copy signed last year at the festival of fear.


This movie is okay, but it doesn't come near being as amazing as Basket Case, Street Trash, or Brain Damage. It doesn't deserve the privilege of that association at all. But like I said, it's ok. Fun in parts.

Max Dropout


I can't believe that there are only 86 votes for this movie.




You can count me in as a big fan of this film as well. This movie is a good deal of good'n'gooey splatterific low-budget 80's horror fun. I especially enjoyed the gloriously over-the-top grue-soaked conclusion.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


Relatively speaking, this film got huge. When I first saw this movie, it had like 30 votes, I was the 2nd review, and this board had 0 posts. So, it's come quite a way..

pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.
