New Episodes?

I was reading up on "Nu Pogodi" (easily one of my, if not my favorite cartoon growing up in a Russian household), and I read (on Wikipedia) that that two new episodes were produced recently (19 and 20).

Has anybody seen these, or knows where to find them online? All I know is that they were made in 2005, and made (obviously) without the main voice actors.

Anybody have information about this?


They've been stuck in a corporate quagmire, with nobody willing to release them. Russia's quite a mess in some ways.

However, they should soon be released in Russia on DVD, along with some special features. No idea about any international release, though.

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Uggg probably will be as "good" as the "New" Tom and Jerry...that is it will suck. :(


Nope. They're finally released on DVD, and good news! They don't suck. :)

See for yourself:

They were directed by the son of the original director, and had two of the same writers.

Although #19 does have a lot of "homage" moments, I think that these were more intentional, and it's still pretty good. #20 is a bit more original, and takes place at a dacha (Russian country house).

Now let's hope they sell well, so that they can make more.

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Thank you so's just great seeing these characters again considering that I pretty much grew up on it and saw #1- 16 enough times to burn out a few tapes (and having seen 17 and 18 just because they were grouped with the others on my DVD).

I thought these two episodes were excellent, and everything from the character designs, drawings, pace, music was right on key and I really, really enjoyed it.

I did catch a bunch of the homage moments you were talking about and it was great that essentially the 19th episode ended similarly to the first, I'm just happy that there are new ones that aren't full of product placements like the previous two installments.

Would you happen to know a link where I could buy the episodes?


I don't think they can be "ordered" yet; they're only available on the shelves of two Moscow-based supermarket chains.

It might be possible to get a Russian to buy a DVD and send it to you, but I've never tried doing that. You could wait until it appears on, which has recently started shipping internationally (although there's still no English-language version of the website). I have no idea how long those supermarkets will have the exclusive rights to sell it, though.

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I've seen the "new" episodes several times and find them to be pretty good.
Having been familiar with the series of cartoons for over 30 years I know them backwards and forwards.
One thing that's very obvious in the 2 new films is the constant reuse of animation from earlier shorts...Typical as a cost saving measure. Also you can easily pick out the voices that are quite often those of Popanov and Ruminova, having been looped. They differ considerably from the people that replaced them.
Also, it might interest you to know that the animation for 19/20 was actually done in a modified flash (yes flash!) form that's among the best I've ever seen.


Tom and Jerry sucks overall compared to this.

However, these 2 newest episodes were by far the worst ones from this extremely awesome series. By this, I am referring to 19 and 20. I found 17 to be a horrid one as well, but 18 was actually very good in terms of storyline and musical soundtrack, as well as what happened throughout the episode.

17, 19, and 20 were quite bad, obviously the worst by plot, story, and overall soundtrack.
