Nu Pogodi - DOA!

"17" and "18" are pure crap, glorified commercials for Nokia!
Soyuzmultfilm was on the skids by the 90's and it really showed! The animation is horrible and it's obvious Kotoyonochkin (the director) was sick of the whole mess. Upon his death in 2000 he was running what was left of Soyuz.
Papanov died in 1987 and his voice was looped in both these shorts.
Definitely forgettable!

In '05 Kotoyonochkin's son made 2 more shorts (19 - 20) which were more like the originals, done apparently in an excellent flash manner. Papanov's voice was looped and Rumynova (the hare) looped as well, she died that year.
Just enjoy the old ones and check out 19 and 20.


I completely disagree about 19 and 20. I found 19 especially to be a horrible episode overall, likely the worst I've seen in terms of flow and movement matching the tracks.

The show's awesomeness is brought about through its music. I felt that 20 was quite bad as well, though not as bad as 19.

17 was a horrid episode as well, although as bad as the commercial scenes were, it wasn't as bad in terms of movement as 19 and 20. The whole island scene was quite poor though, admittedly.

And 18 was a very good solid episode aside from the intro scene with the commercial moment. The actual episode of the supermarket was a great one. I especially enjoyed "Taganka" in the safe; and "Hafanana" in the end with the bots and sabers. That was just awesome to me. Yeah, 18 was a few thousand times better for orchestration, movement, tracks, and overall matching synchronization. Also, it was nice to see Volk take picture portraits with the store manager by accident. I was wowed by this one being so good.

My favorites by far are #3 (Road and Construction Site), #7 (Boat trip), #11 (Circus), and #18 (Supermarket). I think my least favorites are definitely 19, 20, and 17.


I disagree.
I first saw the series in 1977 and grew up on Soyuzmultfilm product in the 60's.
In 19 and 20, Alexi did a respectful job. Well all know that Papanov and Ruymnova were dead by this time. If you're going to continue the series, you have to make changes!
I look at 17 and 18 and cringe! Thinly disguised ads for Nokia! Badly animated and the characters off model for starters! They were a total write off and I'm sure that Kotenochkin was embarrassed!
It seems we'll never agree on this, so there's nothing I can say!


I don't believe that it really matters who is the production behind the subject; it doesn't matter who produced it really. I found 17 to be rubbish as well, but primarily due to the lesser intrigue in terms of soundtrack. And that commercial moment you speak of is so brief, it plays close to no role whatsoever in terms of the episodic structuring. My favorite episode is, as I've said prior, Episode 3 due to the musical construct matching the synchronization and movement. Overall, it's the stand-alone best one in terms of soundtrack and infusion of plot. The selection goes from the extremely awesome "Kalinka" verse in the ending, perfectly matching every strike and movement of the crusher roller at the construction site, with Volk barely running to evade his own destructive idiocy. This was by far my favorite musical soundtrack, and worked best to me overall. Episode 7 is likely my second-favorite due to the story, characters, and overall ending as well. Of the original 16 episodes produced, I've found 16 to be the worst as it falls out of the overall atmosphere driven by the rest and relies on a folklore environment. However, after I witnessed 17, I ended up not hating 16... as I found 17 to be a horrid excuse of an episode as well. But that isn't to say that 18 was the same as it's musical BGM selection was extremely wonderful, featuring "Hafanana" and "Taganka", two of my favorite overall soundtrack selections I've ever heard since Episode 3. Episodes 19 and 20 haven't had any effect on me whatsoever... this is likely due to the poor selection of BGM overall. And yes, soundtrack and BGM plays a HUGE role in terms of the movement of this type of show. Otherwise, it would not have been a few thousand times better than garbage like Tom and Jerry and Looney Tunes tripe. It exceeds it due to the wonderful synchronization. That's just my take on this matter mate.
