Oh my gosh

Does it bother anyone else that the cartoon uses the word gosh so much. My 3 and 4 year old are starting to say it and I am going to have to not let them watch Clifford anymore which is sad b/c they really love it. But that just doesn't sound very nice coming out of the mouths of young children.


If I didn't have a daughter of my own I'd probably not think anything of the word. But, I would not want my child to say that and hear it from her cartoon that is suppose to be educational. Gosh is in a way a step down or a substitute even, for a curse word.

Hey come see me at http://www.myspace.com/rebeccamcconnell


Seriously? Is darn bad too? This is a first for me. I have a 3 year old and I've never thought twice about hearing her say gosh. I really envy the person whose biggest problem is that their kids say gosh too much. Good luck with the rest of their lives cuz I'm telling you they're going to do much worse someday and you'll be wishing they were saying gosh again.~holly



But it doesn't need to be said at all. There are other ways to say things especially for a children's program.


Yes it is bad and my children will do bad things but it won't be okay and they will be punished. They are 3 and 4. We are taking children's innocent's away so early. We need to let them be innocent and protected as long as they can. And yes darn is bad too. I don't let my children talk that way and if you do you are in for some real trouble one day with the things your kids are going to say. You have to take control now and teach them what is right and wrong.


"We need to let them be innocent and protected as long as they can."

Theres a difference. It's imperative that you keep your kids innocent, and this can be acheived by keeping your kids away from sexual predators and catholic priests. But protecting them from words like 'gosh' and 'darn' only hurts them in the long run. Taking things away from children for stupid little things like 'o my gosh' will eventually cause them to rebel against you. They'll say "Go to hell, I'm gonna watch Clifford whether you God damn like it or not!"

Wish your kids good luck from me. With a nutjob parent like you, they're gonna need it.


Now I think the word "bad" is much worse than "gosh". I will never ever say bad in front of my son, I think it is such a negative word that kids just shouldnt be subjected to. If youre so concerned with "gosh", I think its odd that you just used "bad" so many times. Sure, if our kids say gosh now, they might say darn in a few years. At least they wont suffer from terrible self esteem problems from hearing the word bad all the time.


I couldn't agree more. I don't see why the script is even written with that in there. It's not like it's geared for adults and children. It is for CHILDREN. Those words don't need to be said.


you appear to be talking to yourself, i know a good therapist.



We're talking about the word "gosh." It's about as bad as "darn," "heck," or "drat." In other words, there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of these words. Find something legitimate to worry about.


What's so wrong with the word 'gosh'?
Oh, and you punish your kids for saying gosh? I thought MY parents were nuts.


I concur...THere is a slight problem with the person who started this post. There's no real way to stop them from hearing profanity, you can sheild them all you want, but they'll still come home on the bus one day swearing up a storm, sure, you're doing a good job as a parent and such, but if you go too far, it'll only smack you in the back of the head in the end. I'm not trying to bash your parenting skills, I'm just pointing out a Logical Flaw that is common within most parents (Especially NT parents).

I was taught to say "Gosh" "Darn" and "Heck" rather then the latters of those words. I've heard alot worse on Children's programming, and you'd think something like that would slip someone's mind. just be glad you're not hearing other words....


totally man. i say "gosh" all the time. I mean, would you want your kids to say "oh my god" rather than "oh my gosh"? i mean, both is bad[???] but i would never say "oh my god"


Wow. Seriously, wow. You clearly need something bigger to worry about. Maybe you could try donating some of your extra energy to a real issue in the world such as: poverty, illiteracy, obesity, neglect, abuse or any one of the hundreds of real issues affecting our children worldwide.

For some reason, I keep picturing Ned Flanders when I think of you. Good luck to you--I think you'll need it.


My mom must be one bad parent she always encouraged us to say words like gosh or or heck or rats instead of real profanity.I can't imagine anyone getting upset over such a nothing issue like saying gosh.


Are you crazy? Why is "gosh" a bad word?


i think we've all fell for a remarkably well thought out troll...

7/10, the air of sincerity sold it quite well.


This Jesus freak is an idiot.


Gee, I guess I better start washing my mouth out with soap because I use words like gosh,golly and darn all the time. :P


Oh, brother. I read this entire thread, and all you are so overprotective. I mean, what could one little word (THAT ISN'T EVEN INAPPROPRIATE!!!) POSSIBLY DOOO???!!


Damn! I mean darn.


Are you people SERIOUS?!! it's a word and it's not like your kids are saying god, damn or hell.
Be glad they're saying gosh cause beleive me they'll be cursing by the time they're 12.
And if you ask me, your protecting your children from GROWING UP which is pretty sad.


Maybe they should say 'golly' instead? This show stinks anyway...


Maybe not because Oh my "gosh" is just the same as "golly" so it really doesn't make a difference anyway...seeing as how they're the same thing.


Gosh, darn and bad are words that worry parents these days? No winder so many of today's are such wimps!
