More of the same...

After a good opening on board a train, you end up... in a mansion, which leads on to more industrial (yet strangely familiar...) areas and then finally culminates in one of Umbrella's seemingly limitless secret labs. There's only so many times you can flog a dead horse.


Umbrella Building Designer; "Excuse me Mr. Spencer, but in reviewing our latest profit margine I've realised that the amount of our top secret laboratories that are being taken down are actually being destroyed by survivors who just wander into our mansions looking for shelter and end up finding out our big secret. Maybe we should try to hide our lab entrances instead of using tricky locks hidden inside our mansions. Besides, what if our staff members find out? Do you remember when one tried to play Moonlight Sonata at Spencer Mansion just to relax and nearly found the secret passageway to get the gold shield? It's a pretty silly security system after all..."

Sadly, that Umbrella Building Designer is the zombie furthest away from the door in the infirmary in the Umbrella research facility in Resident Evil Zero....

