MovieChat Forums > Biohazard Ø (2002) Discussion > The Amazing Dewey and other flaws

The Amazing Dewey and other flaws

RE0 had alot of flaws... ALOT of flaws. Here are some of the funniest: (SPOILERS)

1. The Amazing Dewey! (Also on the beta RE0 for N64)
Once on the train, Dewey breaks through a window, says they were attacked, and dies. Preaty simple...
In RE1 (all versions) Edward Dewey's dead body is found in the chopper.
Edward Dewey, the only man who can magically transport himself from place to place after death.

2. The Weskermobile
How can Wesker be in the lab during RE0 AND at the S.T.A.R.S. base getting ready to look for the Bravos? Does he have some high speed car that allows him to travel 260 mph off a mountain?

3. Two Dawns in One Day
At the end of RE0, it's dawn. At the end of RE1, it's dawn. They both take place in one day. Chris finds Rebecca close to the beginning of RE1. Is Resident Evil set on Tatooine?


RE0 has a lot of goofs, indeed. I'm enjoying myself as well trying to discover them. But I have some corrections and additions:

1. The man tumbling into the train, bitten to death by dogs, is Edward Dewey. He is not seen again, because the man found dead in Bravo Team's 'derelict helicopter' (according to REmake intro FMV) is 'the remaining body of Kevin', better known as pilot Kevin Dooly. Actually, every Bravo or Alpha Team member is accounted for in RE1 and RE0. (check for an excellent RE0 walkthrough/FAQ).
2. RE0 gameplay established that there is an underground tram which connects the training facility to the factory/lab. In RE2, there is another tram nearby that leads from the factory/lab to the RC police station. This tram can be accessed through the floor panel in the elevator control room (but in RE0, it's stuck, so only Wesker was able to use it). It gets you from the lab to Raccoon City in no time, so Wesker has plenty of time to get back to prepare Alpha team.
3. According to walkthroughs and chronologies that I have read, RE0 starts on the evening of July the 23rd. It ends on the dawn of the 24th, and it is on the evening of the 24th that RE1 opens with dispatching Alpha team. So we are basically watching two different dawns here.

There are still plenty of RE0 goofs:
1. Strange railroad track: when the train starts riding at full speed, it takes it at least 30 minutes to crash into the training facility. This should take Billy and Rebecca at quite a distance from Bravo Team and the nearby mansion (as RE1 suggests the mansion is close to the crashed helicopter). However, Enrico seems to make it quite fast from there to the factory below the training facility, and he mentions that the mansion is 'nearby'. The RE0 closing FMV also suggests the mansion to be just over the hilltop. Did that train just ride in circles?
2. Disappearing prison transport: Bravo Team discovers a tipped-over prison transport next to their crashed helicopter. When Alpha Team arrives a day later, they locate the helicopter from the sky, but no prison transport. Bad eyes, or did it disappear?
3. Careless Rebecca: Rebecca gathered quite an inventory in RE0. In RE1, she is left with nothing but a hand pistol and a first-aid spray. Did she throw away most of her stuff?
4. Two T-virusses: how come the T-virus creates Crimson Head zombies in RE1, but not in RE0?
5. Memory wipe: Rebecca had to deal with a Tyrant twice in RE0. In RE1, she obviously forgot how to avoid its claw. She also could have told Chris lots about what started that zombie infestation.
RE0 continuity: Rebecca can't properly play a piano in RE0. In RE1, she still can't.

But, in all fairness, the entire RE series is no stranger to goofs either:
1. How do your teammates, zombies, and strangers manage to get into those areas that you can't enter without a key of some sort?
2. Why don't Chris and Jill ultimately transform into a zombie after exposure to the airborne virus or all those bites? (their still healthy in RE3 and RE: CV respectively)
3. How come that some monsters (the Queen, William Birkin) increase in mass and size so quick? Can they break the Nature Law of Preservation of Mass?

Have fun!

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony - Morpheus


3. is preatty funny because even in the books this is how it happend: The bravos crashed, Garcia sent out an SOS immediately, and the Alphas were sent in.

1. ...Well, I can only explain how Wesker does it: because he's *beep* Wesker.
2. Because the pot plants/"herbs" seem to be the cure of the virus.
3. No clue.


2. Because the pot plants/"herbs" seem to be the cure of the virus.

That was my idea too. Too bad none of the Raccoon City citizens thought of taking those herbs, there were plenty to go around!
I thought of another goof: it is really hard to imagine nobody noticing that the training facility blew up in RE0. A gigantic red fireball should show up on a weather probe or imaging satelite, or at least somebody walking miles away should be able to see or hear something. But there is no news about that the next day at the start of RE1. I can imagine that Umbrella has noticed, but keeps it a secret, but is there really no one else watching and asking questions? State Troopers? FBI?

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony - Morpheus


Well there's a huge difference between getting bitten by a zombie as a gameplay hindrance and actually getting bitten by a zombie for narrative purposes. This is otherwise known as the "reason why they didn't use phoenix down on Aerith".


I don't know exactly what these 'Phoenix' and 'Aerith' are, but I assume it is to illustrate that credibility/probability/logic are often sacrificed for the purpose of storytelling?
Well, that certainly happens a lot. Harsh reality is usually not a storyteller's best friend. And it is remarkable to see how the number of inconsistencies tends to get larger with every sequel.

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony - Morpheus



In final fantasy 7 a character called aerith or aeris dies. However there is an item called phoenix down which you can use to bring your character back to life in battle, so I think hes getting at why didn't they just use it on that character. Back on the resident evil track, I like the inaccuracies it makes it seem more like a hollywood b-movie which the series is based on. Cheesy acting, explosions everywhere and strange characters, its all there and its all great.



"Two T-virusses: how come the T-virus creates Crimson Head zombies in RE1, but not in RE0?"

Even though the T-Virus is the same it could have been different strains of the Virus. When you think about it Marcus first developed the strain. In Marcus's story it took a year for the Queen Leech to regenerate him. Who knows what advances the T-Virus went through in a year.

"Disappearing prison transport: Bravo Team discovers a tipped-over prison transport next to their crashed helicopter. When Alpha Team arrives a day later, they locate the helicopter from the sky, but no prison transport. Bad eyes, or did it disappear?"

Who knows how far Bravo team traveled in .001 seconds after they crashed. The scene cuts after they leave the helicopter.

" Careless Rebecca: Rebecca gathered quite an inventory in RE0. In RE1, she is left with nothing but a hand pistol and a first-aid spray. Did she throw away most of her stuff? "

When I beat the game I had no ammo left after the final queen leech Battle, I ran out of all ammo and rebecca just open'd the heliport just as the Queen was coming towards her XD

"Memory wipe: Rebecca had to deal with a Tyrant twice in RE0. In RE1, she obviously forgot how to avoid its claw. She also could have told Chris lots about what started that zombie infestation."

She probably has ADD, I have ADD and I tend to forget ALOT of things. I think it's hilarious now that I've played re0, when she says "These medicines are from Umbrella" She must have taken a hit to the brain from the Queen Leech XD


we don't know how that Kevin guy dies

That's quite simple. He remained at the chopper, and Alpha Team finds him with a large scratch across his face and an eye out. The team is then chased by visious canines. So if you add one and one, I guess Kevin was attacked by the dogs, and so where the guys in the prisoner's transport in RE0 (because of the dog drool coming from the car).

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony - Morpheus



Well, I wouldn't exactly call RE0 completely unnecessary. RE0 was meant to answer a number of questions that had arisen in the series. So the game shows us what happened to Bravo Team, where the T-virus originally came from, and how the T-virus broke out in the Spencer Mansion. But to answer those holes in the overall story, they also dug a few new holes to fill. Suddenly, a dr. Marcus appears to be the co-founder of Umbrella, but he is killed by his two students and therefore never mentioned again in the other games of the series. How convenient. His Leach Zombies also turn up, and disappear immediately. And surprise, surprise, the lab and factory from RE2 is underneath the Training Facility from RE0! All these new elements are quickly introduced, but they also disappear at the end, never to return again in the series. The game just doesn't add as much to the franchise as the other installments did. I agree that the beginning in the train was great. It is a bit unfortunate that the game spends the rest of the time in familiar places like stately mansions and factories. It would have been better to do that in the latter part of the game, just like RE: Code Veronica, as an hommage to RE and RE2. Now it became a bit repetitious and slightly uninspired.
So RE0 has more characteristics of a sidestory rather than a genuine prequel. But I really didn't mind so much. Although it was a bit more of the same, the Training Facility did evoke the atmosphere of the Mansion from RE(make) and the cold feeling of the factory from RE2 just perfectly. It felt a bit like being home again, and that was quite pleasant.
I have the same thing with RE3, it is an okay game, but it doesn't advance the overall story as RE, RE2 and RE: CV did. So it is not on par with those games, but by no means a waste of time. As the last old school RE, I consider RE0 a worthy farewell. And I am happy that they did something completely different with RE4.

how come neither Rebeccca, Wesker, or Enrico don't look tired when you meet them?

It is amazing what a continuous rush of adrenaline can do to you. If you're in a hostile environment and feel hunted all the time, you can stay sharp and awake for days if necessary. A 24-hour all-nighter is not that extreme. But when you sit and ease down, the fatigue will set in. So I reckon Rebecca probably dozed off a couple of times in the medical room where she looked after Richard. Enrico may have taken a short nap in the woods on his way to the Mansion. And as for Wesker, he blows up the Training Facility in the early morning, and doesn't come into action again until the evening of the same day. So that gives him a timespan of about 12 hours in which he was probably able to take a short siesta.

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony - Morpheus


To explain the whole "Crimson Head" problem. You must admitt that the zombies in RE0 seems a tad bit fresh and right out of the batch while the zombies from the RE1 seem like they've been there a while. So the Crimson Head effect appears to have to take some time. I'm not sure but I may have to research some journal entries to see why this effect isn't taking place in RE2, RE3, RE:CV (Just for logical reasons). All in all, you must admitt it is a great addition and a good freakout ("OMG!! I FORGOT TO GET THAT ONE") to the RE series.


OK, im a resident evil fanatic, and it states several times that the t-virus only infects 90 percent of those exposed to it, therefore, jill, chris, and every othere main character in the resident evil games have a rare blood type resistent to the virus. thats why the hunters were creater, to kill the uninfected. to answer the hunter question, wesker probablly released them from the lab, and at the end anyone can see there a definentally enough of those incubator tubes for them to come from. The crimson heads were made for the remake or RE 1 and appear in no other games. the problem with rebecca's lack of noldge or inventory in simply answered by the fact that RE 0 was made after RE 1, so they couldn't add it after they made it.


We know the real reason behind the fact that Rebecca has no inventory or knowledge to help her survive in the Mansion. We were just summarizing flaws and goofs from a narrative point of view, merely for the fun of it. The makers couldn't have altered RE1 of course, but they could have taken those things into consideration in RE0, for instance, have Rebecca suffer from traumatic amnesia at the end of RE0 (or whatever). It is also quite convenient that the main characters share the same resistance to the T-virus (NOTE: viral resistance has nothing to do with blood types, but with immune systems). Like I said, perhaps the effects can be countered by the herbs, and those poor bastard researchers and citizens who turned into zombies never knew this. But it doesn't matter. I don't like these games any less because of a few silly goofs. Remember that these games are developed by Asian programmers, who (no offense intended) are not known for their sense of continuity or credibility in movies either (watch a John Woo or Jacky Chan movie for reference). Creating atmosphere and action are more important.

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony - Morpheus


Another logic goof to add is that it takes a full 24 hours to launch a rescue mission. That's unheard of. But then again Wesker was in command of Bravo...


Doesn't it normally take at least 24 hrs for a person to be officially considered "missing"? Or does this rule not apply to members of Special Forces?

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony - Morpheus


when a special forces team goes missing, the rescue mission doesn't take very long to get under way - usually a few hours. not a full day.

but i consider the biggest goof in RE: 0 to be the team finding out that there's some random convict in the woods and sending their only medic off on a mission to go find him.

baby can you dig your man?
he's a righteous man.


That's not really a goof. The whole team splits to look for Billy. Rebecca just happened to be the one to find him.

People are always asking me if I know Tyler Durden.


ok, it's not a goof. it's just proof that whoever's in control of bravo team is a crappy commander who gets sidetracked from their main mission five minutes into it, and lets the team's only medic (who's the most inexperienced member of the team) go off alone.

baby can you dig your man?
he's a righteous man.

