8 sequels

8 sequels who would of thought this would have Friday the 13th or Nightmare on elm street amount of sequels


A lot of the sequels to this franchise got better. Fast Five is a personal favorite. Love the end scene with the "Danza Kuduro" song playing as they're all spending their loot.


Fast Five is also my favorite in the series. It is over the top fun without getting into the unbelievably ridiculous realm. 1, 3, and 5 I can watch multiple times. Everything past 5 so far has been decent, but I only felt the need to watch once. 2 and 4 are bottom of the barrel. Terrible entries in the series.


You know, I recently re-watched FF4 (simply titled Fast and Furious) and it wasn't too bad this time around. I saw it in theater way back and I was like, meh - decent popcorn fun. Now.... 2? Sweet Jesus on a Jet Ski - that sucked a bag of dicks. Worst of the franchise by far.


I think it has 9 with FF10 being the end. I heard 9 and 10 is a 2 part movie.


they dont plan that far ahead
if the cash keeps rolling , they keep going

That said , one of the previous ones was going to be milked into 2 movies but they lumped it into one.
It was the one with the stupid chase on massive europeam highway bridge, with the tank , and the flying through the air and stuff. that was meant to be the climictic final scene , but they stuffed the next chapter on the end - which ends with the big plane chase on a runway that had to be 50 miles long to keep that scene going


Next movie after the 9th is about the space. I think they confirmed it.
