Stupid Beyond Belief

What a terrible director. What a waste of talent. Are we to believe any of this nonsense? Even simple things like a burn and they're too stupid to know to put ice on it right away, and then the burn victim claims it no longer hurts much when burns hurt MORE in the hours after.

Beyond the RIDICULOUS, heavy handed plotting, how did Chabrol get talent like Isabelle Huppert to act in this dreck? How does stay employed as a director when he's either (a) stupid about the realities of human behavior, and (b) a lazy filmmaker who doesn't have respect for even the basic intelligence of his intended audience? In anyone else's hands, and with a few adjustments, this same material could have been elevated, but Chabrol didn't seem to notice (or worse, care).

Is he braindead?

And what's with Jacques Dutronc's hair? It's ridiculous on a man of his age (and even worse not ten years later from what I can see from recent pictures on the Net.
