mary kay is hot

probably one of the hottest women i've seen. that kid was lucky.




I'm 14 and a girl, but i thought she was like attractive. not in a lesbian way, i just could see how a guy would find her attractive since she is blonde nd thin and stuff. but i still think she should have had enough sense to not have sex. i believe that she could have been in love (in a twisted way), but wait till its legal for god's sake. i felt horrible for her children.


Absolutely! Also, they both have said that he persued her. She said that he dominated her.


As an older man... I suppose she`s a goodlooking woman. I mean, the last time I saw her was on a news show, I think it was 20/20, she was kind of dressed like a teenager. LOL! But yeah, I might have jumped on that when I was a kid.


Must I remind you all that it isn't Mary Kay Letourneau up there? It's Penelope Miller.



She sure is! I feel weird thinking that, because of her notoriety, but she's freaking adorable! And I love how sweet she comes across. Like an older Sandra Dee.

And did anyone notice how lady-like she was always dressed? No-one can really say she played the part of the temptress, because for the most part, she dressed very sweetly and conservatively---in a very Sandra Dee-ish way.

I guess Villi likes the lady-like sweet girls. Can't say I blame him a bit. What a peach---esp. as portrayed by Penelope Ann Miller!

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!
