Mary Kay rocks!!

I think this is TRUE LOVE. If Vili and Mary Kay weren't supposed to be together then it wouldn't have lasted all these years. %95 of relationships don't last if one of the people involved is in prison...even for a few months!! Mary Kay was in prison for 7 years....and they're STILL together and have never broken up. This boy matured fast...he was a man before most boys are. If he wasn't a man then he would've had sex with Mary Kay and bailed on most men do. But they're still together...through thick and thin. They both talk about how much they love eachother. Just them live together in peace. I wish there was some way I could contact Mary Kay and show my support for her.



NO- it was gross. they have stayed together tho- he must really love her. it wtill was wrong. she dont want suport! shes sorry for what she's done! 13 years old aint no man! never!



i agree with u so much megan!!! that is tru love. i wanted to do the same thing u wanted to do about contacting her and showing my support. i am buying the book "if loving you is wrong" by gregg olsen. it tells the story about her and everything. i also taped the movie from tv so i can watch it over and over. i suport her 100% all the way!! i'm so glad she found somone like villi to fill her world. may they live on 4ever.



I agree with you and the OP.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!
