What did laurent mean???

When he said that he "hadn't told his parents he was still a virgin"???


That sentence was actually split in two. He hadn't told his parents he was gay [they found out through Cedric's mum] which meant he was a 'virgin'. I'm not sure if something was a little lost in translation, but yeah. That's what I understood it to mean. He hadn't done it, thus he was a 'admitting I'm gay to my family' virgin.

On the inside, I'm a poet. Outside? Shake bad guys, shake.


You're right, it's a reference to an earlier conversation (at Marines birthday, upstairs)
Laurent says he'll tell his family the next time. Cédric says something like: you shouldn't procrastinate, it's like the first time. The more you wait, the harder it gets, like losing your virginity.
(I'm not sure if it's a correct translation, both English and French are not my native tongue)
