
Did any of this seem a bit racist to you?

The only bad guys were white. The only good guy was black, and he reformed a white guys life.






I was just mimicking what a bunch of other threads would be if the races were reversed.



actually I find it to be incredibly racist. people seem to think racism means white people who hate black people. but it works both ways and yes. Everyone white in this movie (save the butler) is a horrible person...what a message to give


Yes. Because something is only racist if it's a white person doing something to a black person.

You're an idiot.


The part that really bugged me was when he was doing the racist comedy routine in the black club. Would he be that stupid as not to know that a white guy telling those jokes would be in deep water?


I found that to be a very telling scene.

This was a movie created by black people, FOR black people... and it showed a remarkable sense of bigotry against white people.

Not only are black people racist against white people, but they think it's FUNNY that they're racist against white people.

This movie was the "Amos and Andy" of early 2001... I limit it to that specific of a time, because movies that are racist against white people come out all the time.

How could black people be so positively ignorant, as to think ANY form of the propagation of racism wont in the long term impact them negatively?

I'm not pulling the "I'm offended" nonsense... I just wonder how black people could be so positively stupid to think flaunting their racism would do anything besides hurt THEM.


How is this a movie created by black people when the directors and one of the writers were white? This movie was created to entertain and while it may not have done that (I personally didn't enjoy it), it's not meant to be a racist movie. I wasn't offended at all either. Having their be dumb or ignorant white people in a movie is an often used comedic tool.




Well... I guess I can see your perspective. If you fail to acknowledge anything I say, it will most certainly appear as if I'm wrong.


No. To me, it was making fun of racism.
Bad guys come in every color and what do you mean all the good guys were black? Wasn't the angel and the people he was working with white or a different race than black? So, those 'godly' people were bad guys, too?


Also butler who was a good guy was white.


The movie was atrociously bad but not really racist as such. There were enough stereotypes of black and white people.

Anyways, black people are just as racist as others, if not more.

I mean the very existence of things like BET, Black Awards, NAACP etc. is stupid and racist along with who can and cannot say the n word depending on the color of their skin which is very racist. The term people of color is stupid because white is also a color

But on point, the movie isn't racist as such.
