
I've watched this show and I am curious about the accents. The characters are supposed to be from Yorkshire which means that they should speak with a Yorkshire accent. Yet I have heard accents from all over England such as Geordie, Brummie, Mancunian, and Southern and a few others that I can't identify. Has anyone else noticed?



I don't know about the origins of all the cast but at least two of the main cast aren't from Yorkshire. Sarah Smart who plays Virginia is originally from Birmingham and Peter Davidson (the dad) isn't a Yorkshireman either although I don't know exactly where he's from. A cast member who definatly is from Yorkshire is Charlotte, Keeley Fawcett who plays her is from Sheffield. As for there being other characters without Yorkshire accents, there's a lot of people in the county without Yorkshire accents, I should know, I live in Yorkshire and I'm a southerner.


The impression I got from this show was that the Braithwaite clan is supposed to be born and bred in Leeds and that includes the parents. I noticed that Peter Davison speaks with a southern British accent while Ray Stevenson who plays his brother speaks with a Geordie accent. I guess I noticed the mismatched accents after reading British complaints about the show "Frasier".


Disagree! David's accent is emphatically "regional", whereas Allison's is softer and more variable, perhaps indicating southern roots.


Now that I think about it you are right about David. Apparently Peter Davison can get the Yorkshire accent even though I think he is from London while Amanda Redman's accent does sound like she is from the South. I think that she was born in Sussex.
